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Healthy Dietary Rules
Weight Loss Strategies That Work


you are what you eat

  • all organic...
  • whole, raw, fresh vegetables
  • whole, raw, fresh fruits
  • grass fed pork
  • free range poultry
  • wild caught fish, seafoods
  • grass fed beef, dairy, eggs
  • small amount of natural sweets
    • honey
    • maple syrup
    • cane sugar
  • very few grains
  • virtually no seeds
  • shop outer perimeter of grocery store
  • no processed foods
    • no artificial sweeteners
    • no seed oils
    • no store-bought condiments
    • no restaurant meals
    • no fast foods
  • nourish yourself
  • do not poison yourself

The first 3 dietary rules below help most people lose enough weight. For those still struggling, they will then need to go to Rule #4.

  1. EAT REAL FOOD, meaning raw food in the most natural form you can find; organic, whole, raw, produce, and pasture-raised meats and animal products like eggs, grass finished fats (tallow, lard), dairy (milk, butter, yogurt, cheese).

  2. LINOLEIC ACIDs: Eliminate sources of omega-6 fat, because of Linoleic Acid (LE) including most seeds and nuts, all seed oils, all processed foods, especially sauces and salad dressings, all fast foods and restaurant prepared foods, as they fry foods in seed oils and use LE condiments.
    • Beyond Insulin Resistance: A Surprising Culprit Unveiled Discover the unexpected factors driving insulin resistance and the hidden role of linoleic acid in this in-depth conversation with Jay Feldman. For real weight loss and optimal health, you need a high metabolic rate, and this is facilitated when your metabolism speeds up when you're burning glucose in your mitochondria.
    • LE omega-6 fat causes obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
    • LE increases risk of sunburn and melanoma skin cancer.
    • Top sources of LE include anything fried in vegetable oil;
      virtually all processed foods and fast foods, chips; potato chips and corn chips, french fries, commercial salad dressings, chicken and chicken dishes, salad dressings, pizza, bread, pasta dishes, grain-based desserts, mayonnaise, popcorn and processed meats.

      The science behind LAs in the diet
      (video 01:48:54, June 21, 2023, interview w/ Nils Hoem, Ph.D.)
    • The cellular membrane is the universal surface onto which, and into which, the cellular machinery is assembled. The integrity of the inner and outer membranes is vital for the function of the cell. The cell membrane hosts response elements. Almost all short path signaling, except for hormones, begins in the membrane. Membranes are lipid structures made of phospholipids and other constituents. The food you eat provides the raw material substrate that is then assembled into the mitochondrial and cellular membranes, which is why the type of fats you consume is so important.
    • Historically, LA used to account for only 1% to 2% of daily calories. Today, it’s between 20% and 25%, which means most people have enormous stores of LA in their cells. If you reduce your LA intake to historical norms, then there’s not this competition for Delta-6. It takes about six or seven years to fully eliminate the stores of LA from your adipose tissue due to their long two-year half-life.
    • Once you have a normal baseline level of Omega-3 ALA, then your body can make substantial amounts of DHA and EPA on your own and you probably won’t need supplements.
    • The problem is that most people aren’t willing to forgo processed foods and end up with far too much LA, which then necessitates taking extra omega-3. Basically, if you’re eating higher than historical amounts of LA, you have to either add more omega-3s or reduce your intake of omega-6. Ideally, you’d do both.
    • Most people probably need omega-3 supplementation, especially if you’ve been eating a lot of processed foods and therefore have high LA stores. As your omega-3 intake increases, it starts replacing the omega-6s in your membranes at a ratio of 1 to 1. The kinetics is very slow. That makes this tricky, because you won't recognize from day one to day two your change, but you will recognize it in six months. So it's long-term. Omega-6 linoleic acid (LA) is an 18-carbon molecule. Omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), also has 18 carbons. Omega-3 EPA and Omega-3 DHA have 20 and 22 carbons respectively, and can be synthesized in your body, once you become more metabolicly fit, and can provide enough available delta-6-desaturase, an enzyme responsible for their conversion. By increasing your omega-3 ALA intake over time, EPA and DHA will increase, which helps push the omega-6 out of your membranes. Over time, once your LA stores are depleted (which can take up to 7 years, provided you’re not loading more in), and provided you are consuming enough natural or supplemental ALA (Omega-3), then your body will likely have the ability to endogenously produce the EPA and DHA it needs.
    • Krill is the typical source of ALA supplement. But data from inner Mongolia (where they eat no seafood at all) but eat a lot of meat and dairy products from grass fed cattle, showed they get a lot of ALA and very little Omega-6, and they actually had pretty high levels of EPA and DHA despite not eating any seafood at all.
    • Lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) shuttles EPA and DHA into your eyes, liver and, in pregnant women, the placenta. LPC is endogenously (produced internally with hormones I think) produced, but your capacity to produce it is dependent on choline. Choline is a nutrient similar to B vitamins. It can be made in the liver. The main dietary sources of choline in the United States consist primarily of animal-based products—meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, and eggs. Cruciferous vegetables and certain beans are also rich in choline. Other dietary sources of choline include nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
    • While many understand the importance of omega-3s, few realize that fish oil supplements aren't necessarily the best source; because is America, most fish oil supplement of omega-3 is in actually ethyl ester, a synthetic form of omega-3. Avoid ethyl ester omega-3. It is like a potentially dangerous trans fat. It is an unnatural, unstable product that is predisposed to breakdown in storage and in the body, or (if you are lucky) just goes undigested.
    • Genuine krill oil contains natural astaxanthin, which prevents this preoxidation. Hoem works for and reviews how Aker Biomarine produces its krill oil in terms of quality and sustainability. Aker is the world's largest harvester of krill, mostly from the Antarctic, where there is no pollution. There is a stable renewable 60 million tons bed of krill there. They are allowed to catch less than 1% of the total biomass (the whale population is back to normal). Aker krill oil is clean and fresh. It is extracted differently and immediately. Synthetic fish oils are stored in bulk tanks for years. He won't talk down fish oils, because that's better than no omega-3 supplement.

  3. TRE: Time Restricted Eating. Cut back on number of times you eat each day. Eat within 4--8 hours, and 3 hours before bedtime. This is a short term temporary, off & on strategy. Don't do it over 3--6 months at a time or it will reverse the effect and work against you. Time restricted eating is a health protocol; eating all meals within 4--6 hours/ day. If you're metabolically inflexible, you have insulin resistance, meaning you are unable to easily switch between burning sugar and fat as your primary fuel. TRE may be quite beneficial to kick-start metabolism, but don't do TRE more than a month at a time. Once you are no longer insulin resistant, it is best to vary your eating window between 8 and 12 hours, or else, when being deprived of glucose for too long, that will stimulate your liver to produce high levels of cortisol which can contribute to chronic inflammation and cellular damage. Cycle Low Carb diets and TRE. Intermitten Fasting 101. Fast Like a Woman, Dr. Mindy Pelz.
    • coffee in morning
      MCT oil; 1/2 to 1 tsp; turns hunger hormone off
      full fat creamer is fine
      no sweetener of any kind
    • Himalayan sea salt (pinch) has magnesium, potassium, sodium
    • 3 foods to limit...
      • bad oils
      • man-made carbs (breads, cakes, cookies, pastas
      • toxins (in all ingredient lists)


youtube video (1:25:04)


Fat vs. Glucose for Weight Loss: Constructing the Ideal Menu. Ditch Calorie and Carb Myths: Slim Down, Stay Young. Here are some things that are not what you hear in mainstream information... You've been told fuel equates to energy, and all you need to slim down is to eat less and exercise more. But that's not accurate - actually, high metabolism is the key to weight loss and slowing down aging. When the fuel from the food you eat cannot efficiently be burned and converted to energy (ATP), it’s typically diverted and stored as fat. So, the primary cause of obesity is the inability to efficiently metabolize food, typically glucose in the mitochondria, into energy. The inefficient burning of fuel (metabolizing of food) is why people who are obese typically also struggle with other health issues, such as low energy, fatigue, an inability to maintain focus, digestive problems and poor immune function.

  • get back high metabolism of youth... sleep well, move a lot
  • fix gut microbiome: stop feeding bad bacteria producing endotoxins
  • eat a serving of fermented vegetables each day
  • you can do some TRE fasting
  • limit fruit til microbiome fixed
  • then some fruit, honey, syrup is fine
  • stop eating fiber long enough to stop feeding bad bacteria
  • stop eating raw vegetables (cook them) for same reason
  • no grains, legumes, nuts or seeds
  • Once your microbiome is balanced, resume fruits, resistant starches like raw veggies, roots & tubers
  • get rid of LAs in diet
  • there are no magic pills to fix slow metabolism or low energy production, but niacinamide and methylene blue help.

  • protein: clean seafood, low-LA beef, vison, lamb, raw grass fed dairy and organic pastured eggs. Avoid chicken & pork, which are fed LA-ridden grain.
  • carbs: omit hard-to-digest carbs like grains, including brown rice and legumes (peas, beans), unless they're soaked, properly cooked, sprouted or fermented. Eat raw pure honey, maple syrup, white rice, ripe & dried fruits, well-cooked (pressure cooked) red potatoes, sweet potatoes & parsnip.
  • fats: avoid seed oils loaded w/ PUFAs like LA. Good options are butter, tallow, ghee, coconut oil and avocado.

  • Artificial Sweeteners Are Toxic to Gut Bacteria (October 16, 2018) A 25-year study found ALL artificial sweeteners are a recipe for health ruin. They all cause DNA damage, spark mutations in DNA, and interfere with the normal and healthy activity of gut bacteria. A very moderate consumption is linked to a 65% higher likelihood of being overweight and a 41% increased likelihood of being obese.
  • Cardamom: Little-Known Spice Helps Control Appetite and Burn Calories. This spice, popular in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine, can flavor your food, freshen your breath and support your immune system. Recent data show it burns adipose tissue while retaining lean body mass.
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) (11:07) is a psychological acupressure tool to fight cravings. Often, there are emotional drivers behind cravings for sweets, so try EFT to overcome them. Beyond tackling your underlying emotions to stave off the urge to consume sugar or poisonous artificial sweeteners, consider keeping a stash of ripe fruit that can naturally fill these cravings. Additionally, if you are eating a high fat diet over 30%, then you will want to limit your carbs. But, if it is below 30% and you are metabolically flexible, you will likely increase your health by having a few hundred grams of ripe fruit. Optimize your omega-3 levels with high-quality products. If you don’t regularly eat wild Alaskan salmon, herring, sardines, or anchovies, you’re likely not getting enough healthy omega-3s, specifically DHA and EPA.
  • emotional-eating-food-addiction-mercola.pdf
  • fiber: Ancient Source of Fiber Grows Popular for Shedding Pounds. Relying on medications to shed pounds is falling out of favor due to their serious side effects. Psyllium fiber supplement provides a safer alternative that's been prized for its medicinal properties for centuries. Psyllium is a heavily sprayed crop, which means many sources are contaminated with pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers: Only use organic unsweetened psyllium husk. Berberine (BBR) is another option with similar benefits.
  • food-addiction-how-to-resolve-it-mercola.pdf
  • gut health: probiotics: Nourishing Gut Bacteria Is Critical for Health, Well-Being

    our microbiome genome
    Just one example: eat 250g strawberries daily for 2 months, and it increases your insulin sensitivity.

  • Gut microbiome genome & polyphenol-rich foods. Consuming foods rich in the more than 8,000 known polyphenols may help ward off chronic diseases, including cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, Type 2 diabetes and obesity. Researchers: “The weight-lowering property of fruits, green tea and vinegar wine in obese people may be partly related to their polyphenol content, which changes the gut microbiota.” Dr. Yves Desjardins (Université Laval, Québec) at Texax A&M video (1:04:15)
  • Hack: What You Eat 1st During Meals Can Lower Glucose by 40%; Dr Mercola, July 16, 2022.
  • Junk Food 'Brainwashes' You so You're Wired to Eat More: Did you know this food component rewires the brain, changes how you think and negatively affects memory and learning? A quick and clear route to better health includes eliminating it from your daily food choices.
  • Plant Paradox (book 412 pgs) by Dr. Steven R Gundry MD. It turns out the same plant toxins that can kill or immobilize an insect can also silently destroy your health and insidiously impact your weight. The paradox: small portions of some plants are good for you but large amounts are bad for you. I titled this book The Plant Paradox because while many plant foods are good for you—and form the bedrock of my eating plan—others that have been regarded as “health foods” are actually to blame for making you sick and overweight. Most plants actually want to make you ill.
  • Staying Healthy, Mark Sisson on the Tom Woods Show podcast Episode 1949. Mark is a former endurance athlete with a long list of accomplishments. He is the creator of the Primal Blueprint approach to diet and health, is contemptuous of the "food pyramid" and other nutrition advice the federal government promotes. This interview could change your life, about weight loss alone. (Havent't listened yet, but it probably covers same things).
  • Sugar: The Sugary Truth (4:35) In Mercola's sugar report; excellent overview of the cause of obesity epidemic, insulin resistance and all the related health issues.
  • sweetener-healthy-what-is-nadph-and-nox.pdf
  • Supplement: Berberine, a Natural Option for Harmful ‘Skinny’ Injections. Some call berberine "nature's Ozempic," a once-weekly injectable diabetes medication that has grown in popularity as a weight loss product. Semaglutide is marketed as Ozempic for diabetes and in higher doses as Wegovy for weight loss. Data show adverse side effects include anxiety, confusion, depression, nightmares, seizures and slurred speech. The tablet form has a boxed warning as it's known to increase the risk of thyroid growths and data show that after withdrawal of the drug, most people regain at least two-thirds of their weight loss. Berberine works by helping to regulate blood sugar and to improve insulin sensitivity and gut microbiome diversity that may contribute to weight loss. Data show berberine has a positive effect on lipid profile, fasting blood glucose, obesity parameters and systolic blood pressure. Berberine helps prevent diarrhea, lowers the risk of leaky gut, nourishes beneficial microbes and improves symptoms of fatty liver disease. Other beneficial effects include easing symptoms of anxiety and depression, improving symptoms of PTSD in an animal model and easing symptoms of opioid withdrawal.
  • Supplement: NAD & Niacinamide: Low-Dose Niacinamide Has Striking Antiobesity Effects. A precursor to NAD+, Niacinamide eliminated obesity in an animal study while increasing lean mass. These powerful anti-obesity effects can be had for less than a penny a day, which is why you probably haven't heard of it.
  • Silent 'Kitchen Killer' Soars 25x, Worse Than Sugar. Consumption has increased from 1/100th of total calories to more than 1/4 of total calories - yet while most experts blame the epidemic of obesity and chronic disease on sugar, it's relatively minor when you compare it to this.
  • Weight Loss, Metabolism, Mitochondrial Function. Crucial facts about your metabolism Part I. Georgi Dinkov. Nov 12, 2023. (interview)
  • Weight Loss: the Healthy Way. Drs Mark & Michele Sherwood ft. Robert Davis. The weight loss industry is estimated to be over 60 billion dollars in the U.S. alone. 60 BILLION. There is so much misinformation from those simply wanting to sell you something that you might find yourself barely crawling out of the wreckage of myths, fads, and infomercials. Meet Robert J. Davis, Ph.D., aka The Healthy Skeptic. He's done the sifting for you. In this episode, you will discover: Don't use exercise to lose weight; Don't trust your scale; lose fat, not muscle, and more.
  • weight-NaturalAppetiteSuppressants.pdf
  • would this product be worth trying out? Biothin Probiotic
  • weight-obesity-what-caused-epidemic-what-is-healthy-diet-mercola.pdf
  • Longevity Strategies That May Be Highly Counterproductive: Overall metabolic health ~ we are what we eat. Flying in the face of current mainstream (usually product-sponsored) longevity strategies.
       • Paul Saladino interviews Georgi Dinkov Dec 20, 2022 Animal-based diet, they jump down the rabbit hole on a myriad of topics, including the distinction between table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, how starch damages the gut, polyunsaturated fatty acids, sunlight, EMFs and more.
       • Paul Saladino interviews Georgi Dinkov Jan 31, 2023 Is animal-based the optimal human diet? Serotonin and the dangers of SSRIs, the downfalls of over-exercise, all about gut health, how to tell if your metabolism is working well, other tools to optimize your overall health, and much more.
       • Paul Saladino interviews Georgi Dinkov Apr 11, 2023 Is fasting worth it? “ starving yourself really necessary? As you'll learn in this podcast, the answer is no. You don't have to restrict calories. You can get the same results simply by restricting certain inflammatory amino acids. Fasting isn't always science; it's often twisted propaganda. In fact, less food can sometimes promote chronic inflammation. Studies have found restricting this amino acid: tryptophan, to 2 milligrams per kilogram is what it really takes to slim your waistline and live longer. According to Dinkov, longevity studies have found that tryptophan restriction helps achieve the longest lifespan extension, followed next by cysteine and methionine restriction. Tryptophan and methionine are essential amino acids, so you do need some, but research suggests the daily need of these amino acids is very small.
       • Paul Saladino's Heart and Soil blog

  • Wildly Popular Obesity Treatment Totally Misses the Mark(pdf)... Booming Demand for Obesity Pill to Solve Junk Food Problem, May 19, 2023. Supposedly hundreds of thousands of Americans are lining up each week to get one of Pharma's hottest new injections. With a target market of about 40% of the population, Novo Nordisk has truly struck gold. Unfortunately, the light isn't so bright on the receiving side. To maintain your weight loss, you must keep taking an antiobesity injection Wegovy (semaglutide) once a week for life. This drug does nothing to address the root cause of the obesity. You're merely fiddling with brain chemistry to artificially suppress appetite, potentially becoming suicidal in the process. If we are ever going to level out or diminish obesity and obesity-related cancer & disease rates, we must address the underlying problem, which is a glut of ultraprocessed foods in our diet. We need better food, not more medication.
  • A Surprising Reason Why You May Need More Carbs in Your Diet ~ My Changing Views on Carbs and Sugar (May 2023) Video Interview with Georgi Dinkov (1:41:08) Following a ketogenic eating plan can initially be very useful for people who are metabolically inflexible. However, staying on it too long can lead to problems, including an unintended reversal; hanging on to unwanted body flab. Surprisingly, consuming more carbs - and even sugar - may help. Whole fruit, raw honey and pure organic cane sugar are readily metabolized without promoting weight gain.
  • Does Long-Term, Low-Carb Eating Disrupt Metabolism? (June 2023) Low-carb eating needs a radical rethink, following the latest discovery about how it makes cortisol levels soar. This can accelerate the aging process and could be catabolic to your brain - something very few in the longevity community are even aware of. Important Information About Low Carb, Cortisol and Glucose. This interview features repeat guest Georgi Dinkov who is a virtual firehose of information and an expert on the work of the late Ray Peat, Ph.D., an author and pioneer in nutrition. I would strongly recommend that you listen to this podcast with Georgi multiple times as I am sure that 99.9% of listeners will not understand or fully understand this information the first time around. Some of the information in this interview will challenge some of your long held views as it did mine. We all have conformational biases and I encourage you to let yours go for awhile and consider the possibility that some of this information might be true. This is among the best interviews I’ve done in years, and we take deep dives into a wide variety of topics. The full interview is over three hours long, so I’m dividing it into two parts. This is Part 1 (01:08:07). This is Part 2 (coming soon).
    • Primary purpose of cortisol is to make sure your glucose level never drops too low.
    • Cortisol is released to produce endogenous glucose when your blood sugar is low.
    • Cortisol breaks down your lean muscle, bones and brain to make amino acids
    • The liver then converts to those amino acids into glucose.
    • High Cortisol level shreds muscle tissue
    • High Cortisol level promotes brain atrophy (depression and dementia)
    • High Cortisol level promotes inflammation
    • Elevated Cortisol level is primary driver of aging
    • Cortisol uses up stored peripheral and subcutaneous fat, which is useful.fat
    • Cortisol does not use up visceral fat, which is harmful
    • Low-carb diet is great temporary intervention for the overweight, metabolically inflexible
    • Fasting is great intervention in short-term for the overweight and metabolically inflexible
    • Long term low-carb diets damage your metabolism
    • Long term low-carb diets cause inflammation and catabolic lean muscle loss
    • Anabolic steroids are anti-cortisol, and work to build muscle mass.
    • You do not want a high fat & high carbohydrate diet.
    • A diet with ratio of calories of about 30% fat, 40% carbs and 15% from protein is optimal
    • When people lose weight, most of it is muscle mass, which manages metabolic health
    • Avoid resistant starches from legumes, beans, lentils, most grains, green potatoes, green bananas, pasta and oatmeal -- which is also high in linoleic acid (LA)
    • Best complex carbs are ripe tropical fruit such as oranges, tangerines, mango, pineapple (keep intake moderate as it contains serotonin), melon, watermelon and grapes. Cooked starches such as potatoes and white rice are also acceptable. Potatoes contain oxalates, which can be problematic, but oxalates are water-soluble, so most will be radically lowered if you boil the potatoes. If you have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), you may need to avoid starches like rice and potatoes, as you have inhibited ability to break down the starch into glucose, so these kinds of starches may impede your recovery.
    • Exercise to build muscle, is esp important by age 75.

  • Abdominal Obesity Linked to Anxiety and Depression Forget antidepressants, they've been proven to work no better than a placebo - studies have been released suggesting this burgeoning issue may just account for the remarkable rise in anxiety and depression levels. The good news: It's easy to address. More than half this report is about nondrug solutions for depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Weight Loss
        • What Really Caused the Obesity Epidemic? It's not about the calories, and never has been. Nor is it about exercise. You can starve yourself, but your body will compensate in its own ways. Author Zoe Harcombe reveals the true secret to end your struggle with slashing pounds. You'll likely struggle forever if you ignore this essential understanding. REAL Weight Loss Nutrition facts, from most important to least: (1) Eat real, organic & pasture-raised foods; avoid Omega-6 fatty foods (seeds, seed oils, most nuts, processed & restaurant foods) (2) Eat less often. Those two principles alone would get most people, most of the way there. If you're then still struggling with weight loss, that's when I'd say: (3) Manage your carbohydrate intake. If you've tipped over into type 2 diabetes already or morbid obesity, chances are you really are going to have to manage your carb intake to quite a tight level. (4) Dont be(come) sedentary. Avoid all-day sitting; engaging in no exercise or movement all day. Move, and get regular exercise. But, exercise alone will not produce significant weight loss without addressing your diet. And that's it.


Lose Weight .... DNP | 2,4-Dinitrophenol


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