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Gut Health

Gut Health (

In Mercola's interview (1:26:24) with Dr. Stasha Gominak, neurologist and sleep coach, who found that proper sleep is dependent on a healthy gut micromiome which is dependent on Vitamin D (a crucial component required to make acetyl choline, a neurotransmitter that allows you to get “paralyzed” so that deep sleep can occur) and on B vitamins which also needed by the brain and play an important role in sleep. Her clients were often young healthy mothers, not getting enough deep and REM sleep. She recognized an intimate relationship between the ability of a healthy gut microbiome to produce B vitamins and optimal vitamin D levels. To optimize her patients' gut microbiome, she recommends a vitamin D level above 40 ng/mL and taking a B50 or B100 supplement for three months to help restore a healthy microbiome and produce ideal amounts of B vitamins.

Could Fixing Your Gut Health Help Treat Your Depression? Probiotics say yes.

How Gut Bacteria Influence Your Metabolism: As scientists learn more and more about this part of your body, they're also discovering why some people become obese and depressed while others don't. Simply adding these types of foods can have a measurable effect on your metabolism.

Nourishing Gut Bacteria Is Critical for Health, Well-Being. One of the best and least expensive ways to optimize your gut microbiome is to eat traditionally fermented and fiber-rich foods. Probiotic supplements can also be beneficial. Video: The Power of Probiotics (42:05) Dr. Greg Leyer.

The Gut's Role in Parkinson's Disease. July 19, 2022. Parkinson's disease is a neurological disorder in which neurons and dopamine-producing cells in your brain begin to die. Symptoms progress over time and include tremors, slow movements, rigid limbs, shuConsider reducing gut permeability by eliminating sugar, eating a cyclical ketogenic diet and providing your beneficial bacteria with plenty of healthy fiber. Your gut microbiome is an important part of the future of medicine. Nearly 15 years ago scientists believed the Human Genome Project would find information necessary to create gene-based therapies to produce cures for most health conditions. Now science has learned genetics are responsible for only 10% of all human disease, while the remaining 90% are triggered by environmental factors.[R:CDC] With further research and study, science is now coming to realize your gut microbiome is actually driving genetic expression, turning genes on and off depending upon which microbes are present in your gut. SOLUTION: Improve the health of your gut microbiome, and thus make significant changes to your health, through small lifestyle changes, such as eliminating sugar, water fasting or intermittent fasting for at least 16 hours, using a cyclical ketogenic diet and including plenty of fiber rich foods.

Gut Health and Parkinsons Disease. Researchers from the University of Helsinki linked a strain of Desulfovibrio bacteria as a causative agent of Parkinson's disease. Ooptimize your gut microbiome, including eating traditionally fermented foods to seed your gut with healthy bacteria and feeding them with probiotic soluble and insoluble fiber. Avoid antibacterial soap and products with triclosan, processed foods, conventionally raised meat, and antibiotics unless absolutely necessary.


Digestive Enzymes + Probiotics = Good Gut Health

     Some bodies are so damaged by toxins that they need additional support. MMS does a superb job detoxing your body but it does not nourish it. Research shows that digestive enzymes paired with probiotics help the body to release the biofilms that are penetrated and busted up by the MMS. Enzymes help to make those biofilms slide off from where they're connected in the intestines or in cysts in tissue.
     Being able to properly break down and digest your food is essential to your overall health and vitality. Absorbing your nutrients and passing your food is a part of the whole process of detoxification. If you find that you struggle with digestive issues, supplementing with one of the best digestive enzymes may be the thing that allows your body to heal and replenish itself. Studies show that digestive enzyme supplementation may help in the management of certain gastrointestinal conditions or digestive disorders.
     If the body doesn’t produce enough digestive enzymes, we have difficulty breaking down foods, digestion slows down, and we experience uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, gas and diarrhea.
     Many of us are enzyme deficient due to pollution in the environment, processed foods, various health conditions, genetics, and aging. Especially in such cases, supplementation is necessary to aide digestion and prevent malnutrition.


Is There a Difference Between Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes?

     While both probiotics and digestive enzymes help digestion and increase immunity to diseases, they are in fact different things, with different functions in the body.
     Probiotics aren’t produced by the body like enzymes are, so they must be consumed through the diet or supplemented. While enzymes help to break down food molecules, probiotics are living bacteria that help to control the bad bacteria that enters the system.
     Probiotics are microorganisms (live bacteria or yeasts), which also aid digestion in a significant way. They often are referred to as the “good” bacteria, which compete for territory in the gut with the “bad” bacteria.
     Many of us have damaged our bacterial system through stress, unhealthy diet, popular medications, and antibiotics. When we repopulate our guts with billions of “good” live bacteria, they help keep the bad bacteria under control by colonizing and leaving less room and food in the gut for bad bacteria.
     Therefore, they help prevent disruptions, such as poor absorption of water and nutrients, constipation, or diarrhea. When your gut microflora population remains in balance, they can perform numerous essential functions in the digestive system and have a wide range of health benefits.


When Should You Take Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics?

     It’s best to take digestive enzymes as you start eating to maximize the enzymes’ time of being in contact with food. If you do a lot of snacking, or if you eat frequently, you may want to take the enzymes at fixed intervals, for example every 4 or 5 hours.
     Probiotics too should be taken during a meal and never first thing in the morning! Probiotics are live microorganisms, and they need food and water to survive. Also, while you eat your pH level rises, creating a less acidic environment for the probiotics to make it safely through the digestive tract and into the gut.
     Additionally, probiotics should never be exposed to high heats as this can kill off the live cultures, best to keep refrigerated once opened.
     Note: For people who take blood thinners or have a blood disorder, DO NOT take digestive enzyme supplements that contain bromelain, a digestive enzyme found in pineapple that can interfere with platelet levels and ultimately affect the blood's ability to clot.

[From MMS/Chlorine Dioxide Resources Telegram Group]


More quotes from Telegram group discussions worth reading:

Probiotics can cause diarrhea initially as body readjusts to new micro flora. I feel these should be taken in “pulse” fashion for recovery/ rebuilding, not everyday. Constant dosing doesn’t allow things to naturally balance out. Fermented foods seem to work better for daily microbiome support.

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