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“Every day I wake up
and work at shedding one more layer of ignorance
— by listening carefully.” ~ David Rasnick



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Animals; Pets
Animals; Livestock: see Homestead

AGEs (advanced glycation end products) in ultraprocessed pet foods
Alternative_Medicine_for_Pets_Your_Guide_to_Holistic_Health.pdf Register Your Pet As a Service Animal
● ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Phone Number: 888-426-4435

● Part 1 How to (Flat) Sharpen Any Clipper Blade Professionally w/ Sandpaper
● Part 2 Hollow Ground vs Flat Sharpening Clipper Blades w/ Sandpaper
● Part 3 How to Hollow Ground Sharpen Clipper Blades w/ Sandpaper
● Part 4 How to Make Custom Clipper Blade Magnets

Dog Food Recipes, Nutrition, Books:

Dog Health Secrets.pdf; Dr. Andrew Jones Holistic At-Home Remedies
Healthy Pets > Bark & Whiskers; Dr. Karen Becker
● Patella Luxation: Exercises to Help Avoid Surgery for Luxating Patella in Dogs youtube (5:03)
● Pet Titer Tests: Your vet can submit samples to University of Wisconsin-Madison vet school for a reasonable fee ($55) and Healthy Dog Workshop allows pet parents to submit their own samples.
● Vaccinate? Majority of Dog Owners Are Now Skeptical of Vaccines
Veterinary Secrets; Dr. Jones, Natural Pet Health


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Happy Life

Blessings or Panarchy (freemansperspective)
“Conspiracy Theory” Is Thuggery (freemansperspective)
Fear is a Mind Hack Intimidation is a hack, shame is a hack, a threat is a hack, confusion is a hack, insecurity is a hack, authority is a hack. All of these are tools for applying your life and energy to someone else's purpose. Whoever uses them strikes at your reason, your enthusiasm, and more or less all the better forces within you. (freemansperspective)
Future Fears: Why You Shouldn't Believe In A Full-Spectrum Crash--There are a large number of people waiting for a full-spectrum, apocalyptic crash of the Western system. What I maintain is that it won't happen. Yes, if enough people comply with their overlords, horrible abuses can happen, but there is not a “back to the stone ages” sudden apocalypse in our future.
The Deep State Primer. Elon Musk Sues CCDH: The connection of Deep State to education and censorship ~ video.
The Problem With Activism
● The Deep State: Unacknowledged: An Expose of the World's Greatest Secret (01:43:41) It is up to us to share the deepest understanding and information that it took us a lifetime to learn about, and hand it down to the next generation. Sharing this deeper understanding will lead to a less effective illegal, covert military, and could defund the global industrial complex (probably spending up to $100 billion / year by now, all funded by taxpayers). Informed young people could liberate earth from fossil fuels, un-ending war, poverty, eradicate deep state control, and bring safety and self reliance into every home, in a single generation.

5 Easy Steps to Make Your Home and Your Mind Clutter-Free w/ Dana White | The Mel Robbins Podcast (Take Control: along with this clutter free podcast, and you will be a new person in a week).
● Dr. Laura Call of the Day Podcast
● Dr. Laura Ultimate Guide to Marriage.pdf
Finance expert Catherine Austin Fitts, founder, and president of the Solari Report, discusses coming changes to the banking system, how they threaten our freedom, and what we can do to prevent them. Fitts was the assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) during the Reagan administration. She understands the financial system inside and out, having spent decades exposing corruption and fraud, both within the banking industry and government; November 2023.
How to Spot a Liar
Humanity is Structured for Magnificence. This episode of the Parallel Society podcast explains something that’s tremendously simple and is great news for us, but is at the same time deeply radical, going against the structure of the world we live in. And that’s a simple phrase: Healthy humans are structured for creativity & magnificence at birth.
Ways to Reduce Your Electric Bill
● procrastination: Anti-Procrastination 23 Tools to Stop-Akush Karia.pdf
● procrastination: Stop_F#cking_Procrastinating_&_Do_F#cking SomeThing.pdf
● procrastination: Do this 1st thing in the morning to stop procrastination. Mel Gibbons. High Five Habit: How you set your day up, is how it ends up. If you are serious about getting things done, making changes, start out daily w/ focus; get serious about your morning routine. At the start of each day, stand in front of the mirror and high-five yourself. Deliberately cheer yourself forward. Achievement: Brain reset; Goal: Self-Respect. 5 Second Rule: Works by counting backwards from five to one and then taking action, when procrastinating. It helps people take the right course of action instead of procrastinating, over-researching, over-thinking, worrying, getting overwhelmed. By using this rule, people can better accomplish goals.

● Do Organs Have a Mind of Their Own? Analysis by A Midwestern Doctor
● GOOD NEWS: A Father's Heart From Genesis To Revelation. For daughters who grew up without a loving father... or, if for whatever reason, your earthly father has never told you that he loves and cares for you, then read your Heavenly Father's Love Letter.
Jesus Challenge Christianity has become a religion about Jesus, not the religion of Jesus. What Jesus actually taught – was not doctrine; Jesus told his students “believe me,” rather than “believe in me”.
Jesus' Lost Philosophy
Was There a Real Jesus? And If So, What Did He Really Say?
Was There a Real Jesus? And If So, What Did He Really Say? podcast (11:28)
Top 12 Tips to Strengthen Gratitude.pdf
What do you value in life? How badly do you want it? Are you willing to accept some suffering for it? If you care more about losing money than gaining liberty, you’re not going to get liberty. If truth isn’t something you’re willing to be hated for, you’re not going to get much truth. If you can't bear social disdain, you’ll have to stay in line and "do what Teacher says"… for life.

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Health; Family Safety (see also Parenting)

"Protect your family's health as much as possible by eating whole & organic while getting enough exercise. Avoid toxic chemicals that are in self care products. Some fragrances can contain up to 50 toxic ingredients that companies aren't required to disclose. Living today is hard enough w/out the added burden of being sick." ~ D&D
Biosludged: ( November 28, 2018. This documentary uncovers the astonishing science fraud being carried out by the EPA to legalize the mass pollution of America's farm lands, school playgrounds and city parks with heavily contaminated industrial waste and human sewage.
● cookware: Serious Dangers of Common Cookware plus Safer Alternatives
DIY safe beauty products (homemade mascara)
DNA Tests: Up to 40% of Consumer DNA Tests Are Inaccurate. Are you tempted to take a quick, at-home DNA test to determine countries of origin and health risks? You may want to think twice since the medical information may be false, the results are likely sold and the test may impact your ability to get health insurance.

EMF & 5G free home hacks. (14:17) Urban Farmer, Curtis Stone
● EMFs defend against frequencies:
● EMFs EMF-effects-of-cellphone-radiation.pdf
● EMFs 5G_What-You-Need-to-Know.pdf
● EMFs Make_Your_Home_Safe_from_5G_and_EMF_Radiation_Josh_del_Sol_.pdf
● EMFs 5G-EMF-RF-technology-versus-humanity.pdf
● EMFs EMF-damage.pdf
● EMFs EMFs-Noise-Pollution.pdf
● EMFs: Reduce Your EMF Exposure, by Martin Pall, PhD & Dr Mercola. Feb 2022. The most dangerous pollution affecting you is the invisible sea of EMFs your body swims in daily. Especially vulnerable are your children.
● EMFs: The EMF Safety Shop Gaussmeters, EMF Meters and Electromagnetic Field Shielding. Devices for the home to reduce radiation.
● EMF Frequencies: DIY health and protection against freq (
● EMF Radiation Blocked! Smart Meter EMF radiation protection for anyone who does not want to be exposed to the RF, radio frequency, waves emitted from your utility smart meter, make a DIY custom Faraday cage that fits easily onto all smart meters in the US and Canada that blocks 98% to 99% of the RF both outside and inside the house.
● EMFs: 7 Ways to Mitigate EMF Pollution; (cell phone, wifi, microwave radiation, etc.) By Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D., a board-certified OB/GYN physician. Dr. Northrup has been featured on Super Soul Sunday on OWN, The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show, NBC Nightly News, The View, Rachael Ray, Good Morning America, 20/20, and The Dr. Oz Show, among many others. (
● EMFs: You Are Being Boiled Alive in RADIATION — Electromagnetic fields of radiation expert Professor Olle Johansson, Sweden, June 14, 2022 on SGT Report (56:24). We are ALL being bathed in massive amounts; a colossal exposure to radiation on a daily basis – and from some very unexpected sources. Researcher and Professor Olle Johansson joins me to shine the light of truth on RF, 5G and the Davos agenda to track and trace every single person and thing on earth. (
● EMFs The Use of EMF Filters for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. September 9, 2018. EMFs are linked to an increasing number of health issues, from fertility to tumors to decreased brainpower. It may also be a key factor in diabetes, as it disrupts metabolism. Shown to worsen asthma, heart problems, anxiety, MS and tinnitus, your blood sugar may even increase when unprotected from this invisible enemy. Despite what certain experts claim, the research clearly and compellingly points to serious, extensive cell damage. Many have seen improvement by installing one of these filters to remove this dirty substance from their environment. Video Link: Interview with Magda Havas, Ph.D.(1:17:50) Most people just don't want to believe EMFs are problematic because electricity and electric, wireless devices are so incredibly convenient and provide us with so many logistical benefits. Most public health authorities also insist EMFs are safe. I was initially a skeptic myself, as was Havas. I intellectually acknowledged there might be cause for concern, but I thought I could simply sidestep any danger by living a healthy lifestyle. Then I attended a presentation by Havas and Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, which served as a powerful catalyst for changing my views — I started taking aggressive steps to remediate and lower my exposure to EMFs.
● EMFs Wireless Devices: Heavy Use Changes Kids' Brain Structure CBS 60 Minutes
● EMFs Reversing mRNA & 5G Damage w/ Quantum Energy & Frequency – Scientists Ian Mitchell & Philipp Samor

● food packaging: nano-silver_product_inventory-in-food-contact-products.pdf
How to Buy or Build a Healhy Home: Never Build, Buy or Rent a House Without Measuring This. It's far easier, and far less costly, to find a home from the start that doesn't contain these three invisible disease magnets than it is to remediate later. Please do not ignore. Video link (46:28)
How to Make Your Own Safe, Natural Hand Sanitizer

● plastics: Scientists Discover Microplastics in Heart and Brain Tissue. It's estimated that during your lifetime, you will consume about 40 pounds of microplastic - that breaks down to 5 grams every week, or about the equivalent of a credit card. Some of that plastic will accumulate in your organs, including your brain. Weathered plastic more easily passes the blood brain barrier, and triggers even more severe health damage. Check list below, to reduce your exposure. (These are just a handful of examples. Plastic is all around us and can be extremely difficult to avoid. But if you start looking around, you may find many areas of your life where you can eliminate the use of plastic and replace the it with something inert that won’t harm the environment or your health.)

  • use a high-quality water filtration system for your home
  • opt for organic grass fed and grass finished meats
  • avoid any meats or animal products from livestock (or farmed fish) that have been fed feed pellets, as these can contain microplastic from food packaging that have been processed in.
  • reduce your plastic consumption and generation of plastic trash in general.
    • use reusable shopping bags when buying groceries
    • use your own coffee mug when getting coffee to go
    • skip the plastic wrap on your dry cleaning
    • use a fabric shower curtain instead of a plastic one
    • bring drinking water from home in glass water bottles instead of buying bottled water
    • store foods in glassware or mason jars instead of plastic bags
    • take your own leftover container to restaurants
    • never microwave food in plastic container

● personal care products: personal-care-products-uterine-disease-risk.pdf
Skin Deep Cosmetic database (
● sunscreens: sunscreen-safety.pdf
● sunscreens: sunscreen-testing.pdf
water: You should be drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces/ day.
● water: The Dangers of Fluoride.pdf
● water: fluoride-causes-brain-damage.pdf
● water: millions-face-new-fluoridation-threats.pdf
● water: Most Bottled Water Is Contaminated With Microplastics (1:17)
● water: Big Berkey water filter review ( We initially got it for emergencies, since we have a reverse osmosis filtration system, but we like the flavor better on the filtered Berkey water.
● water: Importance of Water & Salt. Nutritionist and naturopath Barbara O'Neil gives a presentation on the importance of unrefined sea salt and water, "...a life changing video, yet it's so simple."

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Health; Diet, Fitness, Supplements, Vitamins, Wellness

How to Make Your Own Natural Hand Sanitizer.
● iodine articles (
● iodine How to Make Lugol’s Iodine.pdf Curiouser2
● iodine Iodine-Dosage-Table.pdf
● iodine iodine-for-nuclear-fallout-mercola.pdf
● iodine More on iodine (AliveNHealthy)
● iodine natural thyroid supplement Dr. Tom Cowan
Iodine: Truth & Lies
iodine (AliveNHealthy)( is found only in very, very small quantities in most foods, unless you eat a lot of seaweed. Iodized salt contains iodine, but that begins evaporating when the package is opened. Sea salt does not contain any iodine; nor do most packaged foods. Many people are deficient in iodine, which increases the risk of thyroid problems, metabolic problems and even the risk of breast cancer. Iodine is important in metabolism, immune system health and brain health. Iodine supplement of about 150 ug (microgram) per day (ideally as droplets) is recommended. Dr Brownstein recommends oral iodine supplements at 25 mg / day. says that more than 1100 micrograms of iodine a day for adults can be dangerous. Iodine needs adequate selenium to function properly.
Iron Toxicity. Top 4 Reasons to Check Your Iron Level, Not Your Cholesterol. Most of Us Need to Donate Blood. Make sure you don't have high iron levels. Most men and postmenopausal women have high iron, largely thanks to so many processed foods being "fortified" with dangerous forms of iron like iron filings, and the fact that your body has no pathway eliminate iron other than blood loss. Stored iron is incredibly damaging to all of your tissues
iron & copper: What Most Doctors Don't Understand. Iron is often viewed as a universal panacea that most people need more of, but nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that most people have too much iron instead of too little. Further; Iron and copper are highly interdependent and need to be considered together. Low ferritin is rarely indicative of low iron. In most cases, it’s a sign that copper insufficiency is preventing proper iron recycling. The best way to lower excessive iron is to donate blood regularly, as high iron is extremely toxic and destroys health. To raise your copper level, you could use a copper bisglycinate supplement, or eat more foods like grass fed beef liver, bee pollen and whole food vitamin C. Video link: Morley Robbins; Dangers of Copper Deficiency and Iron Overload (1:43:52). Cu-re Your Fatigue by Morley Robbins.pdf
● Longer Lifespan: Simple Strategies to Help You Live Longer. Video (1:55:00). What's different about people who live beyond 100 years of age? They are actually aging normally while the rest of us are aging at an accelerated rate. Controlling that rate may boil down to a switch inside your body that you can control through your daily activities. Jeff Clement.
● keto: keytones-travis-christofferson-nutritional-ketosis-mercola.pdf
● melatonin: melatonin detox against 5G (don't use extended release form) is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant chemical our bodies produce to help regulate the sleep–wake cycle. It also supports the gut lining, which promotes healthy immune function. For health maintenance, take 1 mg of melatonin at bedtime; for active illness take 6-10mg.
● melatonin: The Most Important, Powerful Antioxidant is Melatonin, NOT Glutathione (12:29) Jan 2022. New Information: This video is a summary of an important paper (that blew me away). Learning, brain function, LED, firelight, incandescent light, blue light, vitamin D, disease, benefit of sun, infrared light.
● melatonin: What You Need to Know podcast (01:14:08) Dr Russell Reiter (transcript) In this interview, Russel Reiter, Ph.D. — a world-class expert on melatonin — discusses some of the biological activities and health benefits of this important molecule. With some 1600 papers to his credit, as well as three honorary doctor of medicine1 degrees, he's published more studies on melatonin than anyone else alive.
     "Prior to my interview with Reiter, I certainly knew that limiting carbs and preventing the Warburg effect was important in cancer treatment, but I hadn't realized that one of the metabolic byproducts of acetyl-CoA was needed to produce melatonin. So, being metabolically flexible not only impairs the Warburg effect, but also supplies melatonin to combat the excessive oxidative stress in cancer. This is why I would strongly encourage everyone to regularly engage in these two activities the rest of your life:

First, expose as much of your skin as you can to an hour of sunshine a day around solar noon.

Second, eliminate all seed oils from your diet, as excess seed oils are the primary reason why most people are metabolically inflexible. While the average person's consumption of these oils is around 25% to 30% of total daily calories, it should only be about 1% to 2%." ~ Dr. Mercola

● Metabolic Fitness & Health: Longevity Strategies That May Be Highly Counterproductive: Overall metabolic health ~ we are what we eat. Flying in the face of current mainstream (usually product-sponsored) longevity strategies.
   • Paul Saladino interviews Georgi Dinkov Dec 20, 2022 Animal-based diet, they jump down the rabbit hole on a myriad of topics, including the distinction between table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, how starch damages the gut, polyunsaturated fatty acids, sunlight, emfs and more.
   • Paul Saladino interviews Georgi Dinkov Jan 31, 2023 Is animal-based the optimal human diet? Serotonin and the dangers of SSRIs, the downfalls of over-exercise, all about gut health, how to tell if your metabolism is working well, other tools to optimize your overall health, and much more.
   • Paul Saladino interviews Georgi Dinkov Apr 11, 2023 Is fasting worth it? Fasting isn't always science; it's often twisted propaganda. In fact, less food can sometimes promote chronic inflammation. Studies have found restricting this amino acid to 2 milligrams per kilogram is what it really takes to slim your waistline and live longer.
   • Paul Saladino's Heart and Soil blog
● Muscle Health: How to Best Optimize Your Muscular Health. Two Top Exercises to Master: Live Longer, Be 'Way' Stronger Craving youthful strength as you age? One exercise trumps vigorous activity in slashing mortality rates - and is most effective if you do it at a specific time of the day. The second exercise could even make you strong enough to defeat those half your age in an arm-wrestling contest. Video (1:12:41)
NAD-plus-optimal-health.pdf NAD+ (niacinamide / nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is one of the most important biomolecules in your bodyNAD is required for every cell of our body to help facilitate energy production. At age 50 we have about half as much NAD as we did at age 20. Niacinamide is the best NAD+ precursor and least expensive way to improve your NAD levels. It is likely because of financial interests that the best NAD precursor is not recommended more frequently. The best single NAD+ precursor is niacinamide (not niacin, NR or NMN). NAD is required for every cell of our body to help facilitate energy production. At age 50 we have about half as much NAD as we did at age 20. (see more on aging & on supplements pg)
● NAD & Niacinamide: Low-Dose Niacinamide Has Striking Antiobesity Effects. A precursor to NAD+, Niacinamide eliminated obesity in an animal study while increasing lean mass. These powerful anti-obesity effects can be had for less than a penny a day, which is why you probably haven't heard of it.
Nitric Oxide N-O (13:04) Nitric Oxice is an incredible molecule. It is the spark of life, it is the source of vascular health by interfacing between the blood and the endothelial cells. By the age of 60, we are producing only 15% N-O that we did when age 20. It can reverse what is going on in the medical profession. Some professionals and athletes say, if they took only one supplement, it would be this one. N-O helps support healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, circulation, helps open blood vessels, oxidize blood, heal wounds, divide cells, build muscle, release hormones and regulate blood pressure. Supplements to take that convert into N-O are: L-Arginine; and L-Citrulline which converts into L-Arginine. For building muscle, a dose should be taken 30-60 min before and right after a workout. For GH stimulation, to burn fat, increase muscle growth and improve cell repair, take a dose before bedtime. Take dose in morning for energy increase. A 6g (6000mg) dose during day activates the N-O production inside your body. Do not take it with juice, or within half an hour before/ after a meal. L-Arginine should be taken continuously for 2-3 months. The recommended range is between 2-30 grams / day, starting out low & slow. A dose of 5-6 grams can then be taken 2-3 times / day. After you take it for 2-3 months, rest for 2 months before resuming it again for the next 2-3 months cycle. If you overdose, side-effects are diarrhea, nausea or weakness.
● nutrition censored: DrWright-CensoredNutrition.pdf (24 pgs)
Omega 3; why you need to take Krill Oil supplement (video)
● Probiotics: Should You Take Probiotics if You Must Take Antibiotics? They did studies on the standard advice of taking probiotics after antibiotics, and what they found is that probiotics actually delayed recovery of the gut microbiome. Whereas, when left alone, gut microbiome repaired back to normal within 3 weeks. Spore-based probiotics however, do not contain any live Bacillus strains, only its spores. As a consequence of this, they are not affected by antibiotics and may be able to reestablish your gut microbiome more effectively than probiotics, taken with an antibiotic. Probiotics confer some instant benefit to healthy people (not on antibiotics), but the benefit is typically low level, fleeting & temporary. To get the benefits of probiotics without the drawbacks, consider adding more traditionally fermented and cultured foods to your diet — whether you’re taking antibiotics or not. Your diet is a major if not primary microbiome influencer, and fermented foods are well-known to support and optimize your gut flora. It's also a far less expensive strategy than taking a probiotic supplement, and if you eat a variety of fermented or cultured foods, you'll expose yourself to a wide variety of beneficial bacteria, and typically at far higher amounts than what you'll find in any given probiotic supplement. Mercola, 2018, reprint 2023.
● sitting: standing-benefits-mercola.pdf
sitting, standing, moving, video (59:59), SRT video (3:50)
● sleep — Why You Need It and 50 Ways to Improve It
● sleep: Lack of Sleep Can Cancel the Benefits of Exercise. If you intend to live a long and healthy life, you must make sleep a priority. In Mercola's interview (1:26:24) with Dr. Stasha Gominak, neurologist and sleep coach, who found that proper sleep is dependent on a healthy gut micromiome which is dependent on Vitamin D (a crucial component required to make acetyl choline, a neurotransmitter that allows you to get “paralyzed” so that deep sleep can occur) and on B vitamins which also needed by the brain and play an important role in sleep. Her clients were often young healthy mothers, not getting enough deep and REM sleep. She recognized an intimate relationship between the ability of a healthy gut microbiome to produce B vitamins and optimal vitamin D levels. To optimize her patients' gut microbiome, she recommends a vitamin D level above 40 ng/mL and taking a B50 or B100 supplement for three months to help restore a healthy microbiome and produce ideal amounts of B vitamins.
Military Method for Falling Asleep in Two Minutes Say goodbye to insomnia. This method boasts a 96% effectiveness rate, and it only takes two minutes of your time to implement it. If you've tried everything under the sun to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep during the night, you'll appreciate the simplicity and speed at which this has been shown to work.
● sleep: LAN-light-at-night-health-effects.pdf
● sleep: Deep Sleep Is Important for Emotional Resilience; stress, health
sleep-toolkit-mercola-huberman.pdf; video
● sleep & snoring: Can Snoring Be Dangerous? Snoring can be a normal, albeit annoying, part of a regular night's sleep. Or it can be a sign of a common condition that often goes undiagnosed - that can lead to life-threatening complications if left untreated. Joy Moeller interview (1:04:11)
Sleep Apnea; a Better Alternative Than CPAP? According to the inventor of the CPAP, the machine was never intended to be a lifelong solution, yet the majority of users rely on it night after night for their sleep apnea. Could there be a better way to address the condition that actually corrects its root cause, as opposed to just treating its symptoms? Video link.
● supplements: 13 Hidden Nutrient Deficiencies You Don't Dare Ignore. If you wait until the symptoms show, you could be in deep trouble. These 13 nutrients are essential for your health and for preventing numerous diseases including diabetes, heart disease and malignancies: vitamins D, omega-3 fats, vitamin K2, magnesium, vitamins A, B12, C and E, iodine, niacinamide, glycine, choline and coenzyme Q10.
Vitamins vs Big Pharma: Interview with Gretchen DeBeau. Just 14 mega corporations — many of them drug companies — now own more than 100 of the most popular supplement brands on the market. This monopoly over the supplement industry gives drug companies enormous regulatory influence. The drug industry and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration can ban supplements by reclassifying them as drugs.
● vitamins: Bioidentical Vitamins.pdf
● vitD: vitamin-d-magnesium-deficiency-mercola.pdf
● vitamins: Vitamins-Dosages.pdf

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Health; Food & Nutrition

● Part 1: My New Dietary Recommendations Explained in Detail August 2023. For a long time, I promoted a low-carb ketogenic-type eating plan, but based on what I have recently learned, I've revised my recommendations. 95 to 97% of the population in the U.S. is metabolically inflexible and would likely benefit from a low-carb, high-fat keto approach with intermittent fasting. However, once you have resolved your insulin resistance (which typically takes a few months but can take longer) and can optimally burn fat for fuel, it is very clear to me that you need to cycle carbs back into your diet. The ideal carbs are ripe fruits. Crucial Facts About Your Metabolism (38:19) Georgi Dinkov

● Part 2: The Great Aging Myth: Experts Baffled, Why Isn't It Obvious? September 2023. It plays a crucial role in accelerated aging, yet this complex concept is not understood by any health experts. In fact, if you look at the data from medical books, it turns out the truth is the exact opposite: Your metabolism is high when electrons move rapidly and easily through the mitochondrial electron transport chain. When electrons are impeded from moving forward, they can back up, leak through the mitochondrial membrane and start moving backward, where they combine with oxygen to create excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS). Crucial Facts About Your Metabolism (1:54:31) Georgi Dinkov

2022 dirtydozen-GroceryShoppingList.ods project: homemade shopping list
attack-on-food-CHD-symposium-mercola.pdf solutions
Attack on Food and Solutions to Fight Back; Symposium held by Childrens Health Fund Mar 2023. (7:25:27) The food supply is under attack, and corporations want you to believe their products are natural. Fake, ultraprocessed foods give the globalists unprecedented power and control over human health; the symposium goes into detail on how farmers, individuals and society can fight back. James Corbett, Joe Mercola, Stephanie Seneff and many more presenters in this symposium.
Session 1: Attacks on Food & Agriculture
Session 2: Solutions for Farmers (Ronnie Cummins, OCA cofounder and director, noted that among the world's small farmers, fewer than 1% are certified organic. However, there are 60 million small and medium farms that could become certified organic if it weren't for all the regulatory hurdles in place; he recommends cutting out the middle man.)
Session 3: Solutions for Individuals
Session 4: Societal Solutions

Apeel: Mysterious Fruit Coating - A Health Hazard? May 10, 2023 (video :59) Over the last decade, the Gates Foundation has spent more than $1 billion on a technology to 'extend the shelf life' of produce. It's now even being used on organic apples, avocados, cucumbers and citrus fruits. With disturbing details emerging, is this a scheme to turn real food into heart bombs?
● Apple Cider: The Virtues of Apple Cider (2:06?) link in Mercola report
● artificial-sweeteners all-are-toxic-to-gut-bacteria-mercola.pdf
● artificial sweetener aspartame: Effects Show Up in Offspring 2 Generations Later. The toxic effects of the artificial sweetener aspartame harm more than the immediate consumer. The health damage, including changes linked to anxiety, are passed on to offspring for multiple generations.

● candy: Titanium Dioxide candy supplements.pdf
carbs: A Surprising Reason Why You May Need More in Your Diet (May 2023)

diatomaceous earth


fake-olive-oil-mercola.pdf; Is Your Olive Oil Fake? (1:09)
● fermenting foods: Art of Fermentation.pdf
● fish: Farmed Norwegian Salmon is World's Most Toxic Food (54:27)
● food: Processed Food Dangerous Ingredient List.txt
● Food for Life: The Joe Cohen Show, Episode 1 (46:24). Dr. Mercola discusses several fundamental health principles, that with even small changes add up to meaningful health improvements over time, especially when you know where to focus your energy. Eliminating vegetable/ seed oils from your diet and getting more sun exposure tops his list of healthy habits. Embracing time restricted eating (TRE), which means limiting your eating window to six to eight hours per day, is also important. Exercise and protecting yourself from electromagnetic fields round out his five top habits for a healthier life.
● Food: Government "Health Foods" The Standard American Diet is quite SAD when you think about it. It makes people sick, inflamed, and fat. Drs Mark & Michelle Sherwood
food-compass-WEF.pdf Elitists' Goal: Wipe Out Good Food. The Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy’s Food Compass, unveiled in late 2021, is another WEF Great Reset tool designed to discourage consumption of animal foods by falsely rating them as unhealthy, and encouraging consumption of ultraprocessed foods by giving them high nutritional ratings.

● grains: gluten-what-you-must-know-mercola.pdf
● grains: glyphosate-in-oat-products-mercola.pdf
● grains: glyphosate-use-increases.pdf in lots of food; grains are the worst
● grains: Are We Designed to Eat Grains? By Dr. Mercola
● grains: flour-alternatives-mercola.pdf
● grains: Wheat: Almost all of the wheat eaten today is high-yield dwarf wheat, which was developed by cross-breeding and crude genetic manipulation around the year 1960. Organic or not, this is not good for you. ~ Dr. Lee Merritt

GMOs Revealed and video (1:50:51) Triple Board-Certified Dr. Zach Bush busts open the #1 myth about GMOs (so you won’t be fooled)… How the “dust bowl” and the Vietnam war poisoned today’s food… AND: The real reason GMOs pose such a serious threat to humans (it’s probably NOT what you think) Vani Hari shares the exact steps you can take TODAY to protect your family from further exposure… AND how to start healing the damage already done by these foods. Vani also shares how one chemical inside GMOs—that is known to cause cancer—has made its way into just about every food we eat. Gunnar Lovelace explains how to save the next generation from cancer and chronic-disease-riddled life we accept as “normal”.
golden-milk-benefits-mercola.pdf Golden milk is a hot or cold drink made with turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, honey and your choice of milk. Some recipes call for nutmeg, black pepper and other spices. Multiple health benefits are associated with golden milk may stem from the anti-inflammatory properties of the combination, which include cancer prevention and treatment, pain control and weight management.


Immune System ~ (

Junk Food 'Brainwashes' You so You're Wired to Eat More: Did you know this food component rewires the brain, changes how you think and negatively affects memory and learning? A quick and clear route to better health includes eliminating it from your daily food choices.

● LAs: Linoleic Acid — The Leading Contributor to Most Chronic Diseases - (02:24:54) Interview with Tucker Goodrich.
● LAs: Linoleic Acid — The Most Destructive Ingredient in Your Diet (July 2023); Video-1 (32:11) Video-2 (11:25) Video-3 (16:46). Research paper.
● LAs: Linoleic Acid: How it Ruins Your Health. You hear a lot about essential fatty acids, but did you know certain ones can damage your metabolism and set you up for obesity, heart disease and worse?
● LAs: 0mega-6 is BAD: omega-6 fat is loaded with linoleic acid (LA), the primary fatty acid found in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Unsaturated fat intake is associated with increased mortality from COVID-19, while saturated fat intake lowers your risk of death. The 10- to 20-times increase in LA intake over the past 150 years is believed to be a primary reason for the obesity epidemic contributing to an increase in diabetes, cancer, heart disease, age-related macular degeneration, and dementia. LA is worse for you than sugar. It is of utmost important to eliminate most any source of significant omega-6 fat. This would, of course, mean not only avoiding all vegetable & seed oils, but most seeds and nuts which are also high in omega-6 fat. Additionally, it is key to understand that most all restaurant food is cooked in seed oils, and all their dishes are served with sauces and salad dressings made with seed oils. Eating too much LA can not be helped by eating more omega-3 fats. Conclusion: Lowering LA levels to as low as possible is the key to lowering the risk of obesity.

● LAs: linoleic-acid-THE-ARTICLE-health-overview-mercola.pdf
● LAs: linoleic acid is BAD / omega-6 is BAD (also see seed oils on health hacks page): omega-6 fat is loaded with linoleic acid (LA), the primary fatty acid found in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Unsaturated fat intake is even associated with increased mortality from COVID-19, while saturated fat intake lowers your risk of death. The 10- to 20-times increase in LA intake over the past 150 years is believed to be a primary reason for the obesity epidemic contributing to an increase in diabetes, cancer, heart disease, age-related macular degeneration, and dementia. LA is worse for you than sugar. It is of utmost important to eliminate most any source of significant omega-6 fat. This would, of course, mean not only avoiding all vegetable & seed oils, but most seeds and nuts which are also high in omega-6 fat. Additionally, it is key to understand that most all restaurant food is cooked in seed oils which are also used in their sauces and salad dressings. A diet with too much LA can't be helped by increasing omega-3 fats. Eliminate all seed oils from your diet, as excess seed oils are the primary reason why most people are metabolically inflexible. Lowering LA levels to as low as possible is the key to lowering the risk of obesity. While the average person's consumption of these oils is around 25% to 30% of total daily calories, it should only be about 1% to 2%.
● LAs: Linoleic Acid — The Most Destructive Ingredient in Your Diet By Dr Frank Yap, MD (total overview on subject) May 08, 2023.
● LAs: Linoleic Acid—Too Much Omega-6? Here's How to Purge It From Your Cells. If you can't give up processed foods or have consumed them over many years, you likely have a huge excess of omega-6 stored, which affects your body's ability to make EPA and DHA. It can take up to 7 years to get your omega-6 load down to healthy low levels--but while reducing your intake of omega-6 you can also take krill oil supplement to help push the excess out of your cell membranes (don't buy fish oil--that is actually a synthetic substance that is stored in large vats for years, and is unhealthy).
● LAs: instead of LAs, stick to the healthy oils: why-butter-and-coconut-oil-are-good-for-you-mercola.pdf
● LAs: The Importance of Omega-3 for Cell Membrane Function (1:48:54) Everything You Don't Know About Omega-3s: Did you know you can use omega-3s to help push omega-6s - especially potentially harmful LA - out of your cells? The average person may have as much as 1,000% more omega-6 than omega-3 stored in their cells, and it can take six or seven years to get rid of it. Most people aren’t willing to forgo processed foods and end up with far too much LA, which then necessitates taking extra omega-3. By increasing your omega-3 intake, the EPA and DHA can push the omega-6 out of your membranes. The benefits from the change in dose is not felt until 6 months.

● meat: carnivore-red-meat-mercola.pdf
● meat: eat-beef-red-meat-healing-benefits.pdf
● meat: eat-beef.pdf
● meat: fake-meat-fake-breastmilk-food-shortages-mercola.pdf
● meat: fake-meat-is-junk-food-mercola.pdf
● meat: fake-meat-lies-lab-grown-meat-companies-mercola.pdf
● meat: ultraprocessed-food-environmental-impacts-fake-meat-food.pdf
● meat: vegetarian-diets-how-they-could-affect-pregnancy-mercola.pdf
● meat: wheres-the-beef-ask-bill-gates-fake-beef-mercola.pdf
● milk: Devil_in_the_Milk_Illness_Health_and_the_Politics_of_A1/A2.pdf
● mold: Here's Why You Don't Ever Want to Eat Moldy Bread: The last time your bread got moldy, did you cut it off and eat it or throw out the whole loaf? There are some foods you can cut around the mold, while others may make you sick. I'll share tips for how to reduce mold growth on your food and what to do when you find it. Never Eat the Clean Part of Moldy Bread (3:21)

● oil spray: Is There Propane in Your Nonstick Avocado Oil Spray? Cooking sprays are touted for being low in calories and convenient. But they are largely made up of some of the most toxic ingredients in the food supply.
● oxalates: Toxic Superfoods OXYLATES (the book) by Sally K. Norton; video (01:22:07)
oxalates-can-wreck-your-health.pdf and Sally Norton video (01:22:07)
oxalates - Toxic Superfoods ( 1 pg
High OX Foods: beans, grains, bran, sesame and other seeds, peanuts, almonds, and other nuts, swiss chard, spinach, beets, potatoes, chocolate, rhubarb, figs, kiwi, blackberries, black pepper, cumin, turmeric.
Low OX Foods: meats, dairy, eggs, fats and oils, and other non-plant foods; arugula, avocado, bok-choy, cabbage, cauliflower, cilantro, cucumber, garlic, kohlrabi, lettuce, mustard greens, mushrooms, green peas, watercress
● oxalates: High Oxalate Foods: Why They're Problematic, by Tracy Ariza, DDS, February 24, 2023.
● oxalates: vitamin B6 and magnesium, taken daily, can prevent oxalate stones from forming. But only if you stop drinking tea. Tea has 15.6 mg oxalic acid per cup(1). A tall glass of iced tea could give you over 20 mg oxalic acid. Switch to herb teas. Cocoa and chocolate, also, have too much oxalic acid to be used as beverages. (1) Taken from Food Values 14ed by Pennington and Church 1985. ~ The Cure For All Diseases, Hulda Clark, pg 322. You can dissolve all your kidney stones in 3 weeks, but make new ones in 3 days if you are drinking tea and cocoa and phosphated beverages. None of the beverage recipes in this book are conducive to stone formation.

Plant Paradox (book 412 pgs) by Dr. Steven R Gundry MD. It turns out the same plant toxins that can kill or immobilize an insect can also silently destroy your health and insidiously impact your weight. The paradox: small portions of some plants are good for you but large amounts are bad for you. I titled this book The Plant Paradox because while many plant foods are good for you—and form the bedrock of my eating plan—others that have been regarded as “health foods” are actually to blame for making you sick and overweight. Most plants actually want to make you ill.
● Protein: Animal and Plant Protein Sources Are Not Equal. Maintaining your muscle mass as you age is an integral part of staying healthy and independent. A 2023 study finds that not all protein sources offer the same health benefit. Protein is the primary building block for muscle and muscle loss is associated with a loss of independence and risk of premature death. The healthiest choice for us and the environment is real, grass fed meat that has proven to produce a negative net total carbon footprint. After reaching your 40s, you can lose roughly 1% of muscle mass each year, which corresponds to a 1% to 3% reduction in strength. Losing muscle is associated with a loss of independence in the elderly and a downward decline in health, including the risk of premature death.

● Salt: Why Decreasing Your Sodium Intake Might Wreck Your Health: Interview with Dr. James DiNicolantonio (46:26). The average person consumed about 100 grams of salt per day back in the 1600s. Today it plummeted to below 10 grams. With such low levels, why do we have far higher rates of hypertension?
● Salt: A Better Strategy for Health Than Reducing Your Salt Intake... Contrary to what your doctor may tell you, low salt intake is linked to high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. And reducing your salt intake could even raise your risk for heart disease and insulin resistance. Rather than cutting back on salt, follow this three-step strategy.
● sprouts: benefits of growing sprouts.pdf
Sugar: The Sugary Truth (4:35) In Mercola's sugar report; excellent overview of the cause of obesity epidemic, insulin resistance and all the related health issues.

go to top

Homeopathy v. Allopathy General Topics

govt means well

The Weaponization of Medicine (freemansperspective)

Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine (December 2, 2018). The principles of homeopathy were originally developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician to the Royal family. In 1900, homeopathy was a leading therapy in the U.S., with 22 homeopathic medical schools. The more a medicine undergoes a specific pharmacological process of “potentization,” that is, serial dilution with vigorous shaking, the more effective and long-lasting it is, as nanodoses are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and cellular membranes with greater ease. These nanodoses penetrate your blood-brain barrier and enter the deep recesses of your brain. And they can enter your cellular membranes with greater ease without triggering a defense mechanism. Your hormones and many of your neurotransmitters also work at nanodose levels, so it's no wonder these are so effective. Homeopathy began changing when, in 1901, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was established, and in 1910 when the Carnegie Foundation in secret collaboration with the AMA published the “Flexner Report”, with the aim of replacing homeopathy and herbs with chemical drugs. video link (59:38)

4 Simple Things to Improve Your Health Dr. Lee Merritt MD: A brief overview of changes you can make to increase your wellness. How to be so healthy, you essentially won't need a doctor.
• (1) Modify your diet enought to eliminate all wheat & barley (and camut, spelt, beer--basically all grains in diet) and all manufactured fats. Processed foods are next: If it is man-made, do not eat it.
• (2) Parasites protocol; makes a dramatic difference
• (3) chlorine dioxide universal antidote & 20min bath (5cc+2.5cc)
• (4) Balance your supplements (optimize all 90 essential nutrients)


Approaching Healthcare Wholistically (52:18) Dr. Glidden ND with Dr. Lee Merritt MD on the Medical Rebel podcast.
Antibiotic Side Effects: 8 Insane Things They Do to Your Body
Big Pharma Is Fooling You Again (41:30) from ozempic to everything else...
Buying Drug Endorsements: Amidst the billion-dollar competition to create the newest blockbuster drug, there's one thing worth more than all the ads money can buy: a single positive mention in a respected medical journal. Doctors rely so heavily on what's printed in journals, it directly affects a drug's success or failure. Now, many drug companies are actually writing those articles, then paying doctors to sign their names to them. It's called ghostwriting, reports CBS News Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson.

Candida Albicans (51:25) 2016 Mercola Interview with Dr. Leon Chaitow. If you're not optimally healthy, could candida be at fault? In this interview, British osteopath and naturopath, Dr. Leon Chaitow, author of "Candida Albicans: Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection," discusses its dangers — and more importantly, how to address this exceedingly common infection.
● Cleanses. The Cure For All Diseases, Hulda Clark, pg 324 ~ There are 4 cleanses, and practicioners recommend doing them all in order: Digestive, parasite, kidney, and liver. Cleaning the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure that you can do to improve your body’s health. But it should not be done before the parasite program, and for best results should follow the kidney cleanse and any dental work you need.
Detox page
DIY Home Health Hacks: DIY health hacks & remedies, listed alphabetically
Doctors are the Third Leading Cause of Death in the US, Causing 250,000 Deaths Every Year This article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) may be the best article ever written in the published literature documenting the tragedy of the traditional medical paradigm; by Dr. Barbara Starfield.
Doctors Why Won't They Innovate? • Analysis by A Midwestern Doctor • October 2023 • Tips and tricks for finding a doctor who can think outside of the box to help you. videos: Retrofuturism in the 50s, Better living through chemisty
Escaping Dis-Ease Drs Mark & Michelle Sherwood
Forgotten Side of Medicine A Midwestern Doctor (AMD) is a board-certified physician in the Midwest and a longtime reader of He provides exceptional insight on a wide range of topics. He remains anonymous as he is still on the front lines treating patients.
● Healthcare Industry: What Are the Priorities? A recent private conference revealed how the FDA is supporting Big Pharma profiting off of Alzheimer's and obesity. "...once people occupy a certain position of power in the government or corporations, a certain degree of sociopathic thought emerges where they stop caring about the human costs of fulfilling their objectives (such as making more money)." A 27 pg article by A Midwestern Doctor.
Healing Potions – Basic Herbal Real Medicine Preparations. Big Pharma, “Google and Facebook may want to stomp on natural health information, but there's a reason people keep coming back to herbal remedies - they work.” ~ Laurie Neverman (, July 30, 2022.
● health: mercola-anniversary 2022.pdf
● health: mercola-links health liberty partners.pdf
● health: mercola-reverse disease protocol.pdf
● health: 10-reasons-behind-most-chronic-health-issues-mercola.pdf
● health: Health through God's Pharmacy.pdf
● health: health-hope-freedom-Drs-Sherwood.pdf
● health: Health Videos Drs Mark & Michelle Sherwood Youtube channel
● health: Health & Fitness ~ (
● herbs: top-ten-herbs-for-health-medicinal.pdf
Home Doctor.pdf
HOSPITAL CAREGIVER & CONSENT FORM: An “Advance Decision” Document (How to Save Your Life and Those You Love When Hospitalized) This document stops hospital bullies and could save your life. After being denied informed consent and given five rounds of remdesivir that nearly took her life, Greta Crawford had had enough - and developed this document to stop medical bullies from poisoning you, pulling the wool over your eyes, and holding you hostage.
● Hospital tips-to-avoid-medical-harm.pdf 3rd leading cause of death: Medicine
How to (More Safely) Go to the Doctor (freemansperspective)
Hypothyroidism Symptoms (01:21); Mercola, published in 2017. Hair loss, difficulty losing weight, and constipation are some of the most common hypothyroidism symptoms. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's possible that you may have a sluggish thyroid.
● kerosene (“petroleum”) a Universal Healer, see Forbidden Health, pg 92.
● Lifestyle Improvements The Cure For All Disease page 230. Easy prevention of pathogens, parasites and toxins that lead to disease. Four Clean-ups (pg 242) are dental, diet, body and home; aimed at removing parasites and pollutants at their source. Only then can your body heal and ward off disease.
Live with Dr Pizzorno-natural medicine.pdf
Live with Dr Ray Strand-Rx Drugs.pdf
Live with Gary Null-get healthy.pdf
Lost_Book_of Herbal_Remedies.pdf
Lyme Disease-Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, an expert in Lyme disease, in 2011. Learn about this hidden chronic disease (01:35:01).
Medicine from Fish.pdf
Natural Healing Secrets of Native Americans.pdf
Natural Health Library ~ 1000s of searchable articles on hundreds of natural health topics, videos and more.
NaturalNews Mike Adams (Health Ranger, founder, Brighteon)
NO... One Word Can Save Your Life. (Time Magazine ~ but taken down now)
Nutrition Can Save America! This eye-opening report explains how and why America can be saved from collapse by unleashing the healing power of nutrition.
● Rx: 15 Dangerous Drugs Big Pharma Shoves Down Your Throat; statins, birth control, painkillers, NSAIDs, autoimmune Tx, nicotine withdrawal drug, sleeping aids, estrogen blocker for breast cancer, osteoporosis Tx, HRT, asthma Tx, diabetes Tx, Ritalin, etc... If these drugs could successfully treat and cure disease, the United States would have the healthiest inhabitants on the planet.
Secret Sources.pdf Mike Adams; Healing Foods, Life-Saving Natural Medicines
Self Healers Protocol 2015.pdf by Darko Velcek (18 pgs) some good points
Take Back Your Health Power.pdf

go to top

Homeopathy v. Allopathy; Specific Holistic Topics

Allergies and the Pulse Test (
Aloe Vera Miracle.pdf
antibiotic side effects: 8 insane things they do
● appendix: Two-Thirds of Appendectomies May Be Unnecessary. It's the most common emergency surgery, and many experts believe this body part has no known function. But they're wrong - it actually acts like a probiotic battery pack, recolonizing your intestines with good bacteria after an infection.
Autoimmune Recovery Blueprint Dr Benjamin Benulis v1.11.pdf Arizona Dr.

● back pain: how-to-avoid-back-pain-mercola.pdf
Baking Soda - Inexpensive Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases. This household staple may be an effective treatment for aches and pains from arthritis, autoimmune disease and sports; it may even help a difficult labor. It raises your blood pH and tells your cells that your body is not under attack, thereby averting a harmful autoimmune response.
● Baking Soda (NaHCO3): Sodium Bicarbonate Rich Man Poor Man Cancer Tx.pdf by Sircus, 504 pgs. (Note: When posting on social media, Sircus is a jerk.)
Biofilm (2:35) How bacteria form a biofilm (read more on Lyme Disease).
Blood Chemistry Panels: Tests & What They Indicate About Your Health. While most health practitioners rely on reference ranges provided by the laboratory, there’s another evidence-based set of optimal reference ranges, which can more readily predict underlying pathology. There's some remarkable information you can harvest from a basic blood panel, yet many physicians are unclear about blood panel results, or don't share them with you. Video (58:37)
Blood Pressure: How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Without a Prescription. A whopping 16 million Americans still have out-of-control blood pressure, even with BP medication. The true approach to lowering blood pressure isn't what most people think. Try this simple step and get triple the benefits, all without resorting to pills.
Blue Light Can Cause Blindness. Digital devices such as cellphones, computers, tablets and TVs emit primarily blue light, excessive exposure to which may affect your risk of age-related macular degeneration and blindness. Here are simple and easy strategies to reduce your risk.
Borax includes video, recipe protocols (
● Borax Boric Acid ovarian cancer treatment.pdf
● Borax How to Make Magnesium Chloride and Boron Solution.pdf
● Borax The_Borax_Conspiracy-by_Walter_Last.pdf
● Borax Borax-DIY-soap.pdf
brain health (1:13:10 Mel Robbins interview) ~ Dr. Daniel Amen shares the 3 most important habits you can start today to make your brain work better for you, based on 4 decades of research. Learn simple, practical changes to improve your brain health:
- Say 1st thing ea morning "I'm going to make it a great day" (and how?)
- Every night: Treasure hunt, remember everything good that happened today
- 3 most important words to keep your brain sharp
- The 5 most important foods to eat for optimal brain health
- The 2 most important supplements: high quality multi-vitamins & krill oil
- How to tell when your vital hormones are off
- Why strength training is better than cardio for your health
- Breathing technique Dr. Amen recommends for an anxious mind
● brain injury ~ Concussion Repair Manual ( A Guide to Traumatic Brain Injury, published March 18, 2018 (video link 01:23:01) It pummels your brain. Those at highest risk may start showing signs of dementia in their 30s and 40s. If you're also genetically predisposed by having one or two ApoE4 alleles and then do this, your risk increases at least tenfold. Fortunately, your brain is plastic and healable. Here's how to help heal yourself.

● Candida: If you're not optimally healthy, could candida be at fault? In this interview, British osteopath and naturopath, Dr. Leon Chaitow, author of "Candida Albicans: Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection" (51:25) discusses its dangers — and more importantly, how to address this exceedingly common infection. Candida albicans is a very pervasive yeast. While normally harmless (probably why it is not susceptible to MMS), if your immune system becomes disrupted from exposure to antibiotics, poor diet or lack of sleep, candida can begin to grow out of control. Common signs and symptoms of candida overgrowth include white coating on your tongue, sudden development of food sensitivities, aches and pains, gut problems, persistent fatigue, skin problems and vaginitis. The remedy is (not easy, but) simple: Implement a lifestyle that boosts immune function. Eat a low net-carb, high-fiber diet to nourish beneficial bacteria while suppressing opportunistic fungi like candida that feed on sugar.

● Chronic, Mysterious Illness; Annie Hopper, Retraining Your Limbic System video (52:54) This video offers an affordable program for recovery. It presents a revolutionary method that explores the connection between a common type of brain dysfunction (limbic hyperactivity or dysfunction) and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FM) scent, food and substance sensitivities, Lyme and other chronic illnesses. Remember, though, even if your symptoms dissipate through limbic retraining, you still need to mitigate the cellular injury that toxic chemicals, mold or EMF exposure has inflicted.
● Cleanses: Check out DR Hulda Clark and her book the Cure for all diseases. There are 4 cleanses. I recommend doing them all in order. Digestive, parasite, kidney, and liver.
Colloidal silver.pdf
Colloidal silver articles (
Colloidal Silver Politics. There are a number of alternative healing therapies that work so well and cost so little (compared to conventional treatment), that Organized Medicine, the Food & Drug Administration, and their overlords in the Pharmaceutical Industry (The Big Three) would rather the public not know about them. The reason is obvious: Alternative, non-toxic therapies represent a potential loss of billions of dollars to allopathic (drug) medicine and drug companies.
Cream of Tartar~5 Surprising Benefits: reduces arthritis pain, relieves urinary tract infection, clears acne, reduces blood pressure, and to quit smoking, it pulls nicotine from your body.

● depression: Top Tips to Cope With Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)—One of the Biggest Winter Health Risks is Not the Flu... Millions are affected by depression every winter, with symptoms including oversleeping, intense carbohydrate cravings, overeating and more. If you're nodding your head, here is the best DIY treatment.

The EFT Thing (
Eye Health articles including dark circles! (

Fever: If & When to Worry.
Fibromyalgia Linked to Extensive Brain Inflammation. Fibromyalgia, characterized by chronic, widespread pain is an often-debilitating condition that primarily affects women. While as many as 10 million Americans have fibromyalgia, its cause remains a mystery. Recent research shows fibromyalgia patients tend to have severe inammation in their body, including their nervous system and brain. Video: Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Releasing Chronic Pain with Julie Schiffman (12:50)

Google has parterned with WebMD. Google wants to be your virtual doctor. If you trust and use Google, hey, no problem!
Grounding: A Simple Way to Reduce Inflammation and Chronic Disease
  video1 (15:21) video2 (01:42)

Hair Loss: Natural remedy proven in research, to work better than minoxidil (Rogaine).

Hearing: Tinnitus(


Heartburn: Natural Strategies Beyond Medications. Explore effective ways to manage heartburn by addressing its root cause. From dietary adjustments and natural supplements to stimulating stomach acid production, learn how to alleviate symptoms without relying on pills. Why you shouldn't take antacids.
H2O2 hydrogen peroxide information
● Hydrogen Water: Molecular Hydrogen, Not High pH, Is Highly Beneficial for Your Health. It's unlikely that drinking alkaline water does you much good. You're probably just wasting your money. Hydrogen water, on the other hand, when consumed on a daily basis, has wide-ranging health benefits. Video (1:36:43)

● liver cleanse: Easy-Liver-Gallbladder-Body-Flush.pdf
● liver cleanse: liver-cleanse Andreas-Mortiz.pdf
● liver cleanse: The Amazing Liver & Gall Bladder Cleanse.pdf (A. Moritz book)
● Lung Health: Natural Ways to Cleanse Your Lungs.pdf
● Lung Health: Exercises That Help Increase Lung Capacity.pdf
Lyme Disease Now Found in All US States: With the risks greater than at any time in history, please tread carefully. This also mimics MS, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and ADHD. You don't want to get caught in this 'web of misfortune' - it even puts your heart on the chopping block. Video
Lyme Disease: biofilm, natural treatments including Lumbrokinase, with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, one of the leading authorities on Lyme disease.

methylene-blue health benefits.pdf
Methylene blue Telegram Channel; methylene blue provides oxygen to the cell mitochondria. This helps them to use energy efficiently, return to a normal functioning state, and detox themselves. It's also an antifungal, antibacterial, and has been used to treat some cancers. It can be used right along side MMS1. If you join this channel, there are all kinds of resources. And a few others from the MMS channels are over there as well, the owner is one of the Admins on TUA, so we can help you learn.
Molecular Hydrogen & Oxidative Stress heard of molecular medicine? Drs Mark & Michelle Sherwood
● Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS): Wired for Healing-Mercola Interview with Annie Hopper (52:54) this report is especially for Deb Vickery.

Opiods & Alernatives video: Kratom as an opium substitute (1:10:27).
● Opium addiction: Kratom as an Alternative for Opium Withdrawal. (video link, 01:10:27 and youtube video 05:42 and Joe Rogan podcast #876 01:16) Traditionally used in Thailand and Malaysia, users discovered that they could go outdoors in the morning and pluck a few fresh leaves from this coffee family plant, brew a tea, and then drink it two or three times a day for relief. Scientists believe this plant could be a real saving grace.
Oral Contraceptives: The Disturbing Truth.

● Oral Health:

If you have... What to do or get...
metal fillings plastic fillings
inlays and onlays plastic fillings
crowns (all types inc. temporary) plastic crowns
bridges plastic crowns or partials
metal partials plastic partials(Flexite™)
pink dentures clear plastic
porcelain denture teeth plastic denture teeth
Badly damaged teeth become extractions
Root canals become extractions
Braces and implants avoid
Cavitations surgically cleaned
temporary fillings use Duralon™

The Cure For All Diseases Fig. 38

Oral Health; a root cause of disease?

PLANTS: ( 7000 rare and unusual plants with edible, medicinal or other uses.

statins-just-say-no-mercola.pdf (video w/Dr. Aseem Malhotra 14:54) They manipulated the statistics and greatly exaggerated the vaccine benefits, and this pill is no different. Despite millions getting deadly side effects, your chances of a heart attack are only 1.1% lower. How did they pull the wool over everyone's eyes?
● Stress: Suppressed negative emotions such as fear, anger and sadness can radically increase your cortisol levels and severely limit your ability to cope with the unavoidable everyday stresses of life. It’s not the stressful events themselves that are harmful, but your lack of ability to cope. The good news is, strategies exist to rapidly and effectively transform your suppressed negative emotions, and relieve stress. One of the most well-studied of these is an energy psychology method called the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). By teaching your body to slow down and relax when stress hits — essentially short-circuiting your physical stress reaction — you can protect your health. EFT is easy to learn and can be done just about anytime, anywhere. For a demonstration, see video: Tapping for Stress Relief: EFT/ Tapping with Julie Schiffman (11:07).

STROKE stroke-prevention-1st-aid-recovery-mercola.pdf
STROKE MMS & DMSO Protocol; treatment & prevention, by Jim Humble, from Health Recovery Guidebook
STROKE treatment w/ DMSO “DMSO—What-Is-It?” 4 pg pdf article by Dr James R. Walker, with directions how to alleviate a stroke when it happens. “So, within 12 minutes and at a cost of less than ONE DOLLAR, I had cured my stroke at home with my own non-toxic natural formula from God's own pharmacy, which had no side effects, will safely mix with any other ingredients, and is suitable for anyone. You can buy DMSO at your local farm feed store or tack shop for around $6.50 a pint (16 ounces). Be sure that it is 99.7--99.9% pure. At your health food store it will cost around $25 a pint. At your pharmacy it will cost around $30. You can buy medical grade DMSO for about $60 per pint, but that is not necessary. It is overkill. DMSO has not been found unsafe for humans. Any side effects are merely minor irritations. If it is rubbed on the skin, it may cause a slight stinging sensation. It imparts a smell to your body which some people find unpleasant, but will last for only about 3 days. This can be reduced by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to your mixture.”


● turpentine video
● turpentine Basic_Turpentine_Protocol.pdf
● turpentine The_Candida_Cleaner_by_Dr_Jennifer_Daniels.pdf Version 2.0
● turpentine Turpentine_Protocols.pdf

UTIs linked to antibiotic-resistant chicken. A form of E. coli known as ExPEC is responsible for over 90 percent of urinary tract infections (UTIs); many caused by eating contaminated chicken meat.
● UTI prevention: D-Mannose found to work as well as antibiotics

● vision: Tips and Tricks From a Holistic Eye Health Coach Taylor DeGroot.
Optimize your Eye Health with Holistic Strategies (1:10:46). Learn simple remedies and tools that can help you address common vision problems and see how your dietary choices, lifestyle and stress can also impact your vision.
● Vitamin Therapy Hi-Dose Vitamin Therapy to prevent, treat, even cure viral diseases (Vit C vs polio, Vit D vs disease, etc.) Exploring the Myriad Benefits of Niacin on Human Health - Dr. Joseph Mercola Interview with Dr. Andrew Saul.

● water: The_Water_Cure_1.pdf
● water: The Healing Power of Water.pdf

● zinc: mold-fungus-jim-humble-cheap-salves-powders.pdf Zinc oxide ointment (minimum 40%) cures many different skin problems

go to top

Homesteading, Gardening

● canning: Beginners Guide to Safely Preserve Can Ferment Dehydrate.pdf
● canning: Farm Girls Guide to Preserving the Harvest_How to Can.pdf
● canning: Small-Batch Preserving_Year-Round Recipes for Canning.pdf
● canning: Can It Ferment It More Than 75 Satisfying Small-Batch Can.pdf
● canning: Canning, Freezing, Storing Garden Produce; 1960-70s (
● canning: Preserving Everything_Can Culture Pickle Freeze Ferment.pdf

● catalog: AmericanHeirloomSeeds-nrcs.pdf
● catalog: Natural Farm Resources-Great Info-Lancaster-Ag_catalog.pdf
● catalog:

● eggs: Changing the Food System from the Bottom Up. (01:18:29) An interview with Ashley Armstrong, a certified personal trainer with a Ph.D., MS and BS in engineering, and cofounder of Angel Acres Egg Co., which specializes in low-PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) eggs. On average, her eggs contain 17 to 20 milligrams of linoleic acid (LA), which is about one-quarter of the LA found in conventional eggs. How PUFAs Impacted My Mitochondrial Health; Ashley Armstrong explains how the linoleic acid in her diet affected her health, and how removing it boosted mitochondrial function. (2:47)

● food storage: 17 Food Items to Hoard in a Crisis.pdf
● food storage: 56_items_to_Stockpile_In_Your_Easy_Cellar.pdf
● food storage: Shelf-Life-Estimate-of-Non-Perishable-Foods.pdf
● food storage: shelf-stable-food-mercola.pdf
● food storage: Preserving Food Without Freezing or Canning.pdf
● food storage: Produce-Storage-Guide_Misfits-Market-May-2020.pdf
● food storage: Step by step concrete root cellar. August Neverman
● food storage: Build_an_Easy_Root_Cellar.pdf
● food storage:
● food storage: The Joy of Keeping a Root Cellar. Here is a book about way more than the root cellar. It is about preserving all kinds of things and the different ways to preserve them. There is a lot of information in this book, plus history and recipes. 244 pgs.
● food storage: Prepping on a Budget; stocking up, emergency. Even if money is tight, there are still a lot of options.
● food storage: Common Sense Home Food Storage Archives; Food storage via canning, freezing, dehydrating (drying food), fermenting, root cellars.
● food storage: How to store food in buckets for over 20 Years (Common Sense Home) You can store bags of beans, rice, cornmeal, flour, sugar, salt, seeds, baking soda, pasta, wheat berries, potato flakes, or even survival supplies). For long time storage, place food in mylar bags, with +O2 (oxygen) absorber + dessicants if you live in humid areas. 5gal buckets hold about 30 to 35 pounds rice or beans per bucket. Technically you can put directly in 5gal buckets too, in plastic bags. Buckets can be sterilized by washing with 1 tsp bleach to 1 gal water.

● fruit: apples-organic-growing-guide.pdf
● fruit: cherries.pdf
● fruit: grapes.pdf
● fruit: peaches.pdf
● fruit: pears.pdf
● fruit: tree-fruits.pdf

● garden: an_Underground_Year-Round_Greenhouse.pdf
● garden: cold climate crops.pdf
● garden: covercrop.pdf
● garden: Fresh Food From Small Spaces.pdf
● garden: Dirt-free Potatoes and Thats No Hay.pdf (
● garden: grow-food-forage-without-owning-land-mercola.pdf
● garden: growing-organic-herbs.pdf
● garden: manures.pdf
● garden: marketgardening.pdf
● garden: foodsafety.pdf Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) illustrated guide to growing safe produce on your farm
● garden: Composting for a Fertile Homestead – Epi-3475 (Jack Spirko, A variety of composting and fertility building techniques for homestead and small farms. Rather then getting highly technical on the exact how to of methods we will discuss the basics of many methods, advantages, disadvantages, etc. so you an pick what is right for your situation.
● garden: Effects of Biodynamic Farming on Environment and Food Quality-Mercola Interview With Elizabeth Candelario (47:20). Eating real, nonprocessed food is the key to sustaining good health, but even when it comes to whole food, its quality is largely determined by how it was grown. Certified organic food helps avoid toxic contaminants such as pesticides. Growing food in nutrient-dense soils; to build good topsoil, you have to implement biodynamic, regenerative farming methods.
● garden: Local Food: Turning your Greens into Greenbacks by Brian Williams ( • August 7, 2017 • How to build strong local food systems. It goes beyond farmers' markets and CSA shares. To read more about local food and why it's important for building strong towns, visit our Food page.
● garden: Organic Gardening Tip "...toxic biosolids may be used even in organic farming, and may be found in USDA 100% organic compost, mulch and potting soil for use in your own backyard. These products do not need to disclose the presence of biosolids, but some companies will list “milogranite” on the label, which means it contains toxic biosolids. Your best alternative is to contact your local nursery and ask them if they use biosolids in their compost. Another alternative is to make your own, using a composting bin or wood chips for example. When it comes to buying organic food, the only way to find out if biosolids were used is to talk to the farmer." ~ Drug Companies Responsible for Severe Environmental Pollution, Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 09, 2023.
● garden: 8 Natural & Homemade Insecticides: Save Your Garden Without Killing the Earth (
● garden: Using Colloidal Silver on Plants (
● homestead: 1/4 Acre.pdf
● homestead: 75_Obsolete_Items_That_Will_Again_Became_Indispensable_Book2.pdf
● homestead: DIY Natural Pool Manual free version.pdf
● homestead: How-To-Make-Money-From-Your-Land-Acre-Life.pdf
● homestead: Independence-Monthly_June_2016.pdf
● homestead: Independence-Monthly_July_2016.pdf
● homestead: Independence-Monthly_August_2016.pdf
● homestead: Independence-Monthly_September_2016.pdf
● homestead: Independence-Monthly_October_2016.pdf
● homestead: Independence-Monthly_December_2016.pdf
● homestead: Independence-Monthly_January_2017.pdf
● homestead: Independence-Monthly-February-2017.pdf
● homestead: Independence-Monthly_March_2017.pdf
● homestead: Independence-Monthly_April_2017.pdf
● homestead: Independence-Monthly-June-2017.pdf
● homestead: pressure treated wood-organic.pdf
● homestead: Project-Planner-Acre-Life.pdf
● homestead: The_Lost_Frontier_Handbook.pdf
● homestead: The_Lost_Ways.pdf
● homestead: The Lost Book of Superfoods by Charlie Evans.pdf
● homestead:
● homestead: 4000 Homesteading Prepping & Survival eBooks, Docs & PDFs (
● homestead:, homesteading tips for Beginners and Experts. How-to Articles on learning homesteading skills. The Homesteader's Free Library since 1997.
● homestead: Common Sense Home. Using sound judgment to be more self-reliant. Focusing on 9 main categories of homesteading skills: Gardening, Food Storage, Home Remedies, Natural Health, Homestead Animals, Solar and Sustainable Living, Preparedness, Recipes and Kitchen Tips, Herbs and Wildcrafting, and General Homesteading. The Common Sense Homestead, run by good people; a great resource with years of experience and research offering free ebooks, downloads & DIY articles.

● homestead communities: Freedom Cell Network (intentional off matrix communities)
● homestead communities: Parallel Societies: What They Are and How They Work (
● homestead communities: USDA_building_sust_farms.pdf Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities. A Guide to Federal Programs for Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry, Entrepreneurship, Conservation, Food Systems and Community Development.

● kitchen: Family Recipe Page
● kitchen: Farmers Cookbook.pdf
● kitchen: Handy-Kitchen-Substitutions-from-Common-Sense-Homesteading.pdf
● kitchen: How_to_Build_a_Can_Rotator_System.pdf
● kitchen: Top-7-Healthy-Kitchen-Essentials.pdf

● livestock: 7-Simple-Steps-for-Raising-Chickens-Acre-Life.pdf
● livestock: Birds: We Should Be Alarmed by the Staggering Decline of Birds A disturbing number of bird species are in rapid decline and at risk of extinction. Since birds act as a warning system for the state of our environment, we should all be concerned and working toward a solution.
● livestock: CDS-animals.pdf
● livestock: CDS-Honey-Bee-Clo2-Lackett-Oxodene.pdf
● livestock: CDS-mastitis-CLO2-for-cows-and-milk.pdf (224290)
● livestock: CDS-Mastitis-in-Cattle-treatment.pdf (26965)
● livestock: CDS-MMS-CLO2-for-cows-and-milk.pdf (228360)
● livestock: CDS-MMS-Mastitis-in-Cattle-treatment.pdf
● livestock: Guide-to-Raising-Dairy-Sheep.pdf
● livestock: Heritage Cattle Breeder Directory
● livestock: Homestead Cattle Association registry, links: issues in agri
● livestock: Homestead & Miniature Cattle Resource Directory
● livestock:, un-used domain (owned by me)
● livestock: Heritage Horse Association, preserve rare horses
● livestock: nativebees.pdf
● livestock: How Animals Play a Role in Regenerative Agriculture-Interview with Will Harris, published 2016. Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Will Harris about how animals impact regenerative agriculture efforts.
● livestock: regenerative-beef-grass-fed-mercola.pdf
● livestock: regenerative-farming-mercola.pdf
● livestock: suture-Handout-EMIG.pdf
● livestock: sutures-Ethicon+Wound+Closure+Manual+101702.pdf
● livestock: sutures-Ethicon_Encyclopedia_of_Knots.pdf

● water: Hand Dug Water Well Step-by-Step Procedure (
● water: How To Drill A Well By Hand? 11 Things to Know (
● water: Dig Your Own Water Well ( Supply your property with a consistent off-grid water source, and save a bundle of cash, by drilling your own well.
● water: How to Easily Dig a Well on Your Property | | Homesteading | By Nick Oetken | Last updated on March 8, 2022.
● water: Hand Dug Wells ( and Other Manual Methods to Dig a Well Have Been in Existence for Thousands of Years
● water: A Homemade PVC Manual Well Pump
● water: Hand Dug Water Wells ( Digging & Using Hand Dug Drinking Water Wells Dug wells are usually constructed during dry weather when the water level is at its lowest, both for safety (less likely wet soils cause well collapse) and to determine the necessary depth of the dug well to obtain adequate water supply.
● water: Primary Water. Source of endless fresh water not taught about in school.

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18-year-olds and War.
21st Century Addictions. In any negotiation, the one with power is the one who can walk away.
5 Top Habits for a Healthier Life.pdf for you and your children
● ACEs
Autism Epidemic; How to End it (Bitchute 55:10)
EMFs & Autism ~ video: (51:45) Here, we discuss some of the toxic factors that contribute to the development of autism; mercury, glyphosate, vaccine adjuvants, processed foods, and especially the role of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) are all contributing factors. Peter Sullivan and Dr. Martha Herbert cowrote “The Autism Revolution: Whole-Body Strategies for Making Life All It Can Be.”
Baby_food Gourmet_Cookbook_Recipes_for_delicious_homemade.pdf
baby formula; best I can find (EU) MyOrganicCompany.Store
Child Nutrition--Live with Fred Baughman.pdf
Chronic Diseases in Children and How to Reverse Them—Mercola Interviews Beth Lambert (57:56). Autism and most other chronic childhood diseases are caused by a constellation of factors that contribute to the total toxic load of modern living.
Cell Smart Phone and Internet Addiction--Hacks Your Brain and Triggers Anxiety, Are You Doing This? Anxiety, depression, stress, sleep disturbances and severely decreased productivity - they are putting both your health and mental well-being at risk. But if you're like many, you can't get enough of it. Here's how to determine its impact before it turns you or your child into a zombie. (video)
● EMFs Wireless Devices: Heavy Use Changes Kids' Brain Structure CBS 60 Minutes
Education: The thoughts of geniuses on the subject of education
10 Fast Food Samples Tested: Guess What They Found? If you or your children occasionally partake in a fast food meal or school lunch, you won't want to miss this stunning expose by Moms Across America. Submitting food samples from 10 of America's favorite fast food chains, along with 43 school lunches, MAA was astounded at what they uncovered.
Filters in the Age of Information Overload: We are constantly bombarded with so much information that it often exceeds the processing capacity of the human mind. ~ a Midwestern Doctor
Free Man's Perspective in the 21st Century
Hall of Shame: Targeting the Kids... Betrayal of kids is one of the harshest aspects of the not-so-great reset. Tessa Lena. History of American Education (5:46:59)- John Taylor Gatto: NY State Teacher of the Year Award Winner, John Taylor Gatto delivers a life-changing interview. Support parents and empowered education at
● Homeschooling: Tom Woods Homeschool
Homeschooling is Easier Than You Think (
● Homeschooling: Ron Paul Childrens Curriculum Homeschool Self-taught: Even before the junior high grades, parents don't have to teach. Students learn from daily videos, and from the Q&A forums in which students ask — and answer — questions. Students learn at their own pace. Students learn how to learn. Students will be better prepared for college. This is Ron Paul's most important achievement, and it's what he dreamed of doing even during his congressional career. Now, it's here. The Ron Paul Curriculum has a 95% renewal rate — unheard of in this field. Whether you have one child or fifteen, an annual subscription to the Ron Paul Curriculum site is only $250 (if you choose renewable billing; otherwise it's $350). Then it's just $50 per 180-video course.
How to Safeguard Your Child's Health and Future. In this interview, Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Palevsky, a practicing pediatrician, discusses the impact that mainstream propaganda (critical thinking v. dumbing down) narratives have on our children, and why it’s so important to get your children out of the public education system. How to find local homeschooling parents (38:00). He also reviews some of the foundational strategies about vaccination, for staying healthy, and how to treat those dreaded childhood fevers (avoid acetaminophen when sick).
Information War: The Deadly War Hardly Anyone Realizes We're Fighting. Many people still haven't woken up to the fact that we are in the fight of our lives, mainly because the aggressors are agencies that we've long trusted. But make no mistake, they've turned against us and soon life as you know it will become unrecognizable. The worst part? They won't care if you live or die.
● Internet: Understanding the Origins of Internet Censorship. Internet freedom was born in the early 1990s, but now it's appearing that the national security state had other ideas for its use right from the start. The most effective social engineering tool ever conceived, the internet could be used against those who became dependent upon it.
Law: Mind Games. To uncritically, reflexively obey is not respect... it is to hold “the law” above reason... above reality. Until recent times, law was not legislation. Law in the old days was not made by politicians. Law was the process of determining what was just.
Mass Media: Why Are We Flooded With Outrage-Producing News Stories? The mass media’s business model revolves around emotionally enraging and upsetting its audience because that makes more money than informing and empowering the public. Tips for having a healthy relationship with the mass media and everyday life. Analysis by a Midwestern Doctor.
● Modern History Lesson: The Rise of a Terra Nova. A new world discovered and built by Cypherpunks; Bitcoin, encryption, Wikileaks, etc: A new future.
● News: We Don’t Really Know What’s Happening.
Our Natural Predators: Intellectual Predators; Authority, Idols, Promise of Free Stuff.
Plastics in your child's brain
Pot: Health Effects of Today’s Weed: Depression, Schizophrenia, more Addiction. Today's marijuana is much more potent than it was a few decades ago. As more and more U.S. states legalize marijuana, health officials are beginning to see the long-term effects of chronic cannabis use, including mental health issues such as major depression, poor sleep, suicidal thoughts and suicides, psychosis, and schizophrenia; plus it quadruples the risk of being diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Preparing Kids to Be Responsible (50 minutes, Dr. Laura podcast)
Rulers: What They Believe. The incentives faced by productive people and the incentives facing rulers (of whatever stripe) are very, very different. This list of quotes, I believe, will make that point.
Science Projects for Kids.pdf
Sneaky Tricks to Protect You & Your Child's Mind: Gain valuable insights into the tactics used by propaganda machines; learn how to see beyond their false narratives, teach your child how to see the whole picture.
Social Media (
Status, Evolution & Human Nature, Status Revisited (
● Sleep: Become Baby Wise; Give Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep.pdf
● Tonsils: Can Tonsil Removal Provoke Polio or Autoimmune Disease? Once a widely recommended and very common surgical intervention, tonsillectomy has fallen out of grace.
● Tonsils: Removing Your Tonsils Is a Bad Idea. Research reveals this common childhood surgery may increase risk of chronic respiratory conditions and demonstrates tonsils are integral to the development of the immune system. However, partial removal may be beneficial for some children with recurring, chronic or severe tonsillitis or complications resulting from enlarged tonsils.
Transgender Lies: How to Protect Your Child. Interview with Dr. Miriam Grossman, child and adolescent psychiatrist and board-certified medical doctor, discusses the dangers of transgender ideology, which is her specialty, and, more importantly, how to protect your children from it.
Trans Horrors; The Unspoken Horrors of Gender Transition Surgery. While children are increasingly lured into 'gender-affirming' therapy and even surgery, they have no idea of what they are facing. Many grownups have no clue either. Worse, some clinics hand out hormone replacement therapy prescriptions like candy to get the nonreversible process started.
Trans Horror Video (15:01) Who is Behind the Trans Agenda? (38:58)
● Transgender Indoctrination: The Hidden Epidemic. Learn how transgender ideology is spreading rapidly and how it's affecting young minds. Here's how you can protect your children from its harmful effects.
Trans Gender Video “Lost in Trans Nation,” (1:05:12) "Parent's Notice to Schools." Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and board-certified medical doctor, provides parents with the required knowledge and tools to protect their children from the transgender ideology contagion.
Why Wait to Have Sex?
Vaccinations: inform yourself; what to know, what to avoid and why
Vaping and E-Cigarettes: The deception, and what they do to your lungs and brain. From high levels of toxic heavy metals and chemicals to microbes and fungi, vaping cartridges and e-cig vapors may be even worse than regular cigarettes. Fruit and mint flavored vaping products may be the most harmful - they increase inflammation in multiple organs and lead to behavior and mood changes.
Wet Wipes Can Cause Food Allergies

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Self-Sufficiency; Self-Reliance; Preparedness

Am I Prepared? Reference Library telegram group, by August Neverman, owner.
Battery Chargers. Something to keep flashlight batteries charged, radio batteries charged, to run some lights in your house when the power goes out, We use a string of LED Christmas lights. You might even run a small appliance for awhile. These are hard to beat for the price. June 2022, August Neverman
Blackouts .. how to best handle an electric blackout
Bug Out Bag (BOB) or “Get Home Bag” DIY Checklist A But Out Bag (BOB) is designed to carry the most critical things you need to help you get to a point of safety. We usually keep a related version of this called the "Get Home Bag" in the vehicles for longer trips. (
Cooking Without Fuel.pdf
DIY Portable Toilet Our family was trapped at home during the 2015 South Carolina 1000 Year Flood. With very little notice, we received almost 2 feet of rain in less than 48 hours. To add insult to injury, we were already flooded from the recent Super Harvest Blood Moon. Flood Waters = Flooded Septic. Within the first couple of hours of the flood, our septic system was useless. Here was our situation; 5 family members (3 females and 2 males), flooding outside and torrential rain, no toilet, 3 Days. I honestly don’t think I can express the gravity of this predicament but it was as serious to us at the moment as any other emergency situation. Not only did we have to relieve ourselves, we had to do so in a manner that wouldn’t contaminate our surroundings and pollute the air.
Efficient_Survival_Strategies_from_the_Great_Depression.pdf (1143594)
Efficient_Survival_Strategies.pdf (1130865)
EMP What_To_Do_When_Society_Explodes_Surviving_dirty_bomb.pdf
EMP Resistant: How to Build an Solar Survival Generator.pdf
EMP Resistant: How to Build a_Faraday-Cage_-_What_to_Keep_in_it.pdf
No-Grid Survival Projects Digital Version-45.00.pdf

Preparedness Basics; Common Sense Home - 5 Simple Steps to Get You Started ( Preparedness Basics - Simple steps to be ready for stressful times. Make better decisions, have more options and possibly save yourself some money; Laurie Neverman
Preparedness Manual, 2012 edition, 509 pgs. This LDS book is a compilation of many different author's works that have been gathered from the public domain of the internet over the course of many years, by brother Christopher M. Parrett, Rigby Idaho. Covers a lot of good information.
● Prepper Books & Manuals Seasoned Citizen Prepper 667 free SCP survival & prepper PDF books & manuals [updated 2022]. Some of the oldest, time-honored survival books and manuals, all available for free download.
Prepping; Affordably, Realistically; Q&A: Seth Hollhouse, Man in America, from an Ohio homestead; a podcast about how to get through the tough times ahead.
self-reliance-matrix-v1.0.pdf infographic
● shelter: Building+Homes+from+Earth.pdf
● shelter: Building+with+Logs.pdf
● shelter: Building+with+Stone+and+Earth+Part+1.pdf
● shelter: Building+with+Stone+and+Earth+Part+2.pdf
● shelter: Building+Your+Straw+Bale+Home.pdf
● shelter: Concrete+and+Masonry.pdf
● shelter: Earthbag+Building.pdf
● shelter: Earthbag+Building+Testing+Your+Soil.pdf
● shelter: Earthbag+Building+Walls.pdf
● shelter: Earthbag+Shelter+Building.pdf
● shelter: Earthship+Vol+1+How+to+Build+Your+Own.pdf
● shelter: Earthship+Vol+2+Systems+and+Components.pdf
● shelter: How+to+Build+a+Debris+Hut.pdf
● shelter: loghomebook.pdf
● shelter: Primitive+Structures.pdf
● shelter: Roof+Thatching+Handbook.pdf
● shelter: Temporary+Shelters+for+your+Homestead.pdf
● shelter: Tiny House Movement by David Sunfellow
● shelter: tinyhomebook.pdf
● shelter: Twelve+Foot+Tepee+Plans.pdf
● solar chargers: The Best Inexpensive USB Solar Charger and charging tips. Some of the newer phones don't like the uneven power put out by solar panel chargers and refuse to charge. We figured out a work around for this, and researched our current favorites for an inexpensive solar battery charger setup.
Survival Skills
Survival-Nutrition.pdf - by Mike Adams. You need to know how to navigate all of the lies in the food industry, steeped in all kinds of deception – as is every industry, be it pharmaceuticals, vaccines, pesticides, weapons of war, whatever. It seems like every industry is full of corruption, including the food industry. If you're going to prepare food for survival, you need to know what's in your food. You need to know where it's coming from. You need to know how to grow or get clean food and how to store it. Washington State has legalized the liquefaction of dead human bodies to be put down to the drain. It's perfectly legal, and it's the newest way to dispose of the dead. They liquefy the dead and then put them down to the municipal sewer system with chemicals. Then that goes into the biosludge that gets spread onto the farms in Washington State, which is where your apples, pears, nuts and vegetables come from.
Survivor Library, a ton of information in old books, Charles Ford
Thriving when the grid is down.pdf
Ultimate Natural Disaster Preparation and Survival Guide.pdf
● water: Design+of+Underground+Water+Tank.pdf
● water: SafeDrinkingWaterGuide-EWG.pdf
● water: survival-Disinfection+of+Drinking+Water.pdf
● water: survival-Rainwater+Harvesting.pdf
● water: survival-Rainwater+Harvesting+Information.pdf
● water: survival-Water+Build+a+Hand+Pump.pdf
● water: survival-Water+Hand+Pump.pdf
● water: survival-Water+Purification+&+Clorox.pdf
● water: survival-Water+Purification+Chlorine+Bleach+from+Pool+Shock.pdf
● water: survival-Water+Sand+Filter.pdf
● water: survival-Water+Treatment+Chart.pdf
Wild Edibles and Medicinal Herbs Forage or Find Around Your House.pdf
Wilderness Medicine 14th Edition, Resources


some biddyDeclaration of No Conflicting Interests: The author declares no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of these reports.

Funding: The author received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of these reports.
Author neither solicited nor received any government or corporate subsidies, funding or support, and in fact operates in opposition to the deep state's best interest... Author reserves the right to include on some pages, affiliate links to products that may benefit some readers, that may provide a small commission for website maintenance at no additional cost to reader.

Disclaimer: This page is for informational purposes for friends and family. Please note that this info is a means to educate, inform, and to increase awareness of all sides of today's issues. Readers are encouraged to research the information contained herein with other reliable sources, and to direct questions to the subject specific authors. All medical decisions are made solely at the patient's own risk and are entirely within their own responsibility. None of the authors, contributors, administrators, vandals, or anyone else connected with or cited here, can, in any way whatsoever, be responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked from this website. The content contained in this report is not intended to replace viewers' relationships with their own nutritionist or medical practitioner. The links & reports on this site are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We are not doctors, nor do we represent any doctors.  ~ Your volunteer researcher & reporter, Some Biddy (who is not suicidal).

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