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Financial $Sovereignty

CBDCs: How Your Future Is Being Decided for You, and featured video (1:08:39): CBDC's with Professor Richard Werner (Germany): "Your Future is Being Decided! THIS is the most important and informative interview ever - it is now in my top three of all time." ~ interviewer, Ivor Cummins. According to Werner, in the 1970s, inflation was used to cover up the move from the gold-backed dollar to the petrodollar. Today, he believes the intention for the inflation is to cover up the disintegration of the petrodollar and the move to a new CBDC system. Unfortunately, they'll succeed in this if we don't stop it somehow. To protect your assets from this intentionally created inflation, Werner recommends purchasing physical gold and silver. He also urges everyone to set up & use local community banks.”

CBCDs: Consolidating Control. (May 13, 2023) 4 pages -- how to protect your money and why you need to.

Catherine Austin Fitts; (March 31, 2023) Advice From a Finance Guru -- Odysee video interview (01:04:42)

  • Finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts warns that central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are part of a plan to end all currencies and establish a slavery system.
  • CBDCs will rapidly usher in an era of taxation without representation, leading to the end of liberty.
  • Fitts believes that a deliberate takedown caused Silicon Valley Bank to collapse, in an effort by a variety of players to panic the public and cause a banking run.
  • By creating a banking run, many will take their money out of small banks and put it with the central banks that are at the root of the problem.
  • Leaving the banking system isn't the answer — finding a good local bank or credit union, and using cash, is.
  • Ditch large, multinational banks in favor of trustworthy local banks or credit unions
  • Use cash as much as possible: And talk to the people in your local community about why you're using cash. "Start using cash, and as you use cash talk to the small businesses that you frequent — small restaurants, small farms — and talk to them about how we can work together as customer and business to improve our endurance and resiliency and well-being," Fitts says.
  • Do not frequent shops that don't accept cash.
  • You want to have your cash spread out, starting with keeping cash on hand in your home, ideally in a fireproof safe.
  • Then you can expand to a safe deposit box at a bank, a small, local bank or investing in silver and gold coins.
  • Help build out your local food source. Having access to healthy food is critical to maintaining health and autonomy. "Anything you can do to build out the local food markets so that we can't get cornered and be dependent on our enemy for food, it's going to make a big difference to freedom," she explains.
  • There's still time to defeat the globalists and maintain life as we know it. So, rather than feeling defeated, recognize that the opportunity exists to win this battle, one action and one individual at a time: "Understanding this can be completely overwhelming and depressing. But the thing I want to encourage everybody to understand is, facing it … is the doorway that you walk through. And the grief you experience to get to the other side and realize there are real solutions. Because in the official narrative there are no real solutions, but if you face reality, there are real solutions."

Financial Rebellion' Beating the System Financially; Live every Thursday, video episodes w/ Catherine Austin Fitts and attorney Carolyn Betts, General Counsel of Solari, Inc. who call upon their years of experience in the financial and legal sectors to provide us with the tools we need to powershift our money and reclaim financial independence (

Finance ‘Guru' Reveals Financial Collapse and COVID Jab Data ~ Why a Global Financial Collapse Is a Mathematical Certainty September 2022 (01:14:18). Interview with Edward Dowd, a hedge fund “guru” and former equity portfolio manager for the largest asset manager in the world, BlackRock. Over the past two years, Dowd has courageously come forward to awaken people to the collateral damage of the COVID pandemic. But now that the clock has run out for kicking the financial doomsday can down the road, here's what you need to be ready for in the coming months.

A Crucial Note to Everyone in IT by Paul Rosenberg, ( and the Parallel Society). Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are the most direct threat to human liberty – and to the human mind – that has ever come along. Consider, please, that they directly correspond to the “mark of the beast” in the Bible. Even if you think the Bible is foolishness, there's no doubt that whoever wrote the book of Revelation was a supremely imaginative and creative person… and this was the most powerful dystopian scenario they could imagine.

Brink of Totalitarianism; What To Do: Get out of the banks, own physical assets (26:13) Oct 21, 2021, warns G. Edward Griffin, author of Creature from Jekyll Island and founder of the Red Pill University. Free future commerce will likely exist only between those who own and trade physical assets (including precious metals and private cryptocurrencies). But he is cautiously optimistic. Fun fact: Edward takes no patented medicines.
Red Pill University (new)
Red Pill University (original) rebuilding after being hacked
Freedom Force International

How to Build Your Financial Safety Net: 12 Ways to Achieve Prosperity During (and After) the Global Financial crisis The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth teaches you how to break through wealth attraction limitations and embrace the level of abundant financial wealth you truly deserve. A NaturalNews Special Report by Mike Adams.

The 7 Principles of Mindful Wealth teaches you how to break through wealth attraction limitations and embrace the level of abundant financial wealth you truly deserve. A NaturalNews Special Report by Mike Adams

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