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Animals: Livestock & Pets
archive ANIMALS (livestock, pets) homesteading & gardening
recipes fitness, food & nutrition, gut health, oral health
health aging, health hacks, Mg, supplements, weight
homeopathy cancer, detox, DMSO, H2O2, MMS, mold, parasites
family safety, homeschool, happy life, parenting, vaxx
self-reliance self-sufficiency; preparedness; survival skills

Dog Groomer Clipper Blade Alignment

● Part 1 How to (Flat) Sharpen Any Clipper Blade Professionally w/ Sandpaper
● Part 2 Hollow Ground vs Flat Sharpening Clipper Blades w/ Sandpaper
● Part 3 How to Hollow Ground Sharpen Clipper Blades w/ Sandpaper
● Part 4 How to Make Custom Clipper Blade Magnets

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● Alopecia, wounds, skin conditions, etc. 5 drops A & B per 1 ounce of purified or distilled water, in a spray bottle (this is activated chlorine dioxide). I have used this on all kinds of wounds and in the mouth but you can start with half (ie 5 drops per 2 ounces) and see how that works on the animal. ~ Mark Grenon


● Bees: Hundreds of Thousands of Honeybee Colonies Lost During 2023 - What's Killing Them? The humble honeybee faces an array of threats that could devastate our food supply. Discover the hidden dangers lurking in your garden and how you can help save these crucial pollinators. By Dr. Joseph Mercola, October 19, 2024
Birds: We Should Be Alarmed by the Staggering Decline of Birds A disturbing number of bird species are in rapid decline and at risk of extinction. Since birds act as a warning system for the state of our environment, we should all be concerned and working toward a solution.

Heritage Cattle Breeder Directory
Homestead Cattle Association (HCA), registry, resources
Homestead & Miniature Cattle Resource Directory
Heritage Horse Organization (IHHO), preserve rare horses
Animals Role in Regenerative Agriculture-Interview with Will Harris, published 2016. Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Will Harris about how animals impact regenerative agriculture efforts.


AGEs (advanced glycation end products) in ultraprocessed pet foods
Alternative_Medicine_for_Pets_Your_Guide_to_Holistic_Health.pdf Register Your Pet As a Service Animal
● ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Phone Number: 888-426-4435

Diabetes & MMS Q: Can anyone tell me when if the insulin I give my dog twice a day will be affected with the MMS I"m giving her?
A: The insulin won't be affected by it. Just be sure to check her levels to make sure she needs it. There may come a day where she won't need it at all.

Deworming Dogs with Diatomaceous Earth A natural dewormer for dogs and puppies that you can do yourself. (

Dog Food Recipes, Nutrition, Books:

Dog Health Secrets.pdf; Dr. Andrew Jones Holistic At-Home Remedies
Healthy Pets > Bark & Whiskers; Dr. Karen Becker
● Patella Luxation: Exercises to Help Avoid Surgery for Luxating Patella in Dogs youtube (5:03)
● Vaccinate? Majority of Dog Owners Are Now Skeptical of Vaccines
● Vaccinate? Pet Titer Tests: Your vet can submit samples to University of Wisconsin-Madison vet school for a reasonable fee ($55). Healthy Dog Workshops allow owners to submit their samples.
Veterinary Secrets; Dr. Jones, Natural Pet Health

CDS & DMSO for Animals

CDS dog cataracts
cataracts; 4 wks after eye spray

CDS-mastitis-CLO2-for-cows-and-milk.pdf (224290)
CDS-Mastitis-in-Cattle-treatment.pdf (26965)
CDS-MMS-CLO2-for-cows-and-milk.pdf (228360)
CDS-pets.pdf (100018)
● CDS MMS_HRG_Protocol_Animals.pdf
DMSO for pets (6:57)

Eyes, Ears, Nose protocol
Spray for Skin: (human, dog, skin conditions, tumor) Chief: "I use 10 activated drops in 2oz of water in a spray bottle. Spray DMSO on over the MMS for added internal issues. Not needed if just a simple skin condition."

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