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Homeopathy v. Allopathy



● HEART ATTACK or STROKE Melatonin and methylene blue belong in every emergency medical kit.
• Melatonin has no known toxic threshold. In cases of an acute heart attack or stroke, melatonin helps limit the damage, while methylene blue augments cytochromes to allow the continued production of ATP even without the use of oxygen, which also helps minimize cell death and tissue damage. Dosage: 50 milligrams at time of heart attack or stroke. The half life of melatonin in the blood is only about 40 minutes. Within cells, the half life varies according to the level of oxidative stress present. If oxidative stress is high, the melatonin is destroyed much faster. Take multiple doses spread out. Sublingual or intravenous melatonin would be ideal, oral melatonin 1st passes through and must be metabolized by your liver.
• Methylene Blue oral half-life is 4 to 6 hours. The typical oral dosage of methylene blue ranges from 50 to 300 mg per day. It should not be used with other drugs, especially: SSRIs (like Prozac, Zoloft), SNRIs (like Effexor, Cymbalta), MAO inhibitors (like Nardil, Parnate). These combos can cause serotonin syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition. Dosing example:

  • 100mg loading dose at 8 am…
  • half-life #1: 50 mg left in your body at 2 pm (i.e., 6 hours later)
  • half-life #2: 25 mg left in your body at 8 pm (i.e., another 6 hours later)
  • half-life #3: 12.5 mg left in your body at 2 am
  • half-life #4: 6.25 mg left in your body at 8 am

STROKE stroke-prevention-1st-aid-recovery-mercola.pdf
STROKE MMS & DMSO Protocol; treatment & prevention, by Jim Humble, from Health Recovery Guidebook
STROKE treatment w/ DMSO “DMSO—What-Is-It?” 4 pg pdf article by Dr James R. Walker, with directions how to alleviate a stroke when it happens. “So, within 12 minutes and at a cost of less than ONE DOLLAR, I had cured my stroke at home with my own non-toxic natural formula from God's own pharmacy, which had no side effects, will safely mix with any other ingredients, and is suitable for anyone. You can buy DMSO at your local farm feed store or tack shop for around $6.50 a pint (16 ounces). Be sure that it is 99.7--99.9% pure. At your health food store it will cost around $25 a pint. At your pharmacy it will cost around $30. You can buy medical grade DMSO for about $60 per pint, but that is not necessary. It is overkill. DMSO has not been found unsafe for humans. Any side effects are merely minor irritations. If it is rubbed on the skin, it may cause a slight stinging sensation. It imparts a smell to your body which some people find unpleasant, but will last for only about 3 days. This can be reduced by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to your mixture.”


Practitioners: Find local holistic doctors, biological dentists, etc.

Homeopathy v. Allopathy

General Topics

govt means well

Tucker Carlson video (2:20:56) Casey Means was a Stanford-educated surgeon. Her brother Calley was a lobbyist for pharma and the food industry. Both quit their jobs in horror when they realized how many people were being killed by the systems they participated in.

  • 0:00:00 Chapters: Intro
  • 0:00:54 Who Are Casey and Calley Means?
  • 0:10:32 Seed Oils and the Lies of the Food Pyramid
  • 0:22:20 Vaccines for Newborns
  • 0:34:41 Why Is the Medical Industry Ignoring This?
  • 0:44:38 The Spiritual Crisis
  • 0:52:23 Chemicals Linked to Cancer and Early Puberty
  • 1:00:13 Ozempic (Rx for Obesity)
  • 1:15:35 The Birth Control Pill
  • 1:30:12 The Rise of Dementia
  • 1:36:27 Why Obamacare Is Harmful; How to Fix Medical Industry
  • 1:50:55 Infertility
  • 2:05:21 Michelle Obama’s Weaponization of Sugar in Schools
  • 2:10:24 What Should We Be Eating? (good segment)

2024 Biohacking: My Strategies to Reverse Chronic Disease and Restore Health Almost every illness starts with one thing you can control. At the root of almost every illness lies a simple, often overlooked cause: Lack of cellular energy. But here's the good news: You can reduce your chances of seeing the doctor by avoiding three silent health enemies, and exercising at this critical time of day. Mercola's speech exposes the failures of conventional medicine and offers innovative strategies and solutions to reverse chronic disease and restore your individual health and well-being. video

The Weaponization of Medicine (freemansperspective)

Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine (December 2, 2018). The principles of homeopathy were originally developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician to the Royal family. In 1900, homeopathy was a leading therapy in the U.S., with 22 homeopathic medical schools. The more a medicine undergoes a specific pharmacological process of “potentization,” that is, serial dilution with vigorous shaking, the more effective and long-lasting it is, as nanodoses are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and cellular membranes with greater ease. These nanodoses penetrate your blood-brain barrier and enter the deep recesses of your brain. And they can enter your cellular membranes with greater ease without triggering a defense mechanism. Your hormones and many of your neurotransmitters also work at nanodose levels, so it's no wonder these are so effective. Homeopathy began changing when, in 1901, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was established, and in 1910 when the Carnegie Foundation in secret collaboration with the AMA published the “Flexner Report”, with the aim of replacing homeopathy and herbs with chemical drugs. video link (59:38)

4 Simple Things to Improve Your Health Dr. Lee Merritt MD: A brief overview of changes you can make to increase your wellness. How to be so healthy, you essentially won't need a doctor.
• (1) Modify your diet enought to eliminate all wheat & barley (and camut, spelt, beer--basically all grains in diet) and all manufactured fats. Processed foods are next: If it is man-made, do not eat it.
• (2) Parasites protocol; makes a dramatic difference
• (3) chlorine dioxide universal antidote & 20min bath (5cc+2.5cc)
• (4) Balance your supplements (optimize all 90 essential nutrients)


Approaching Healthcare Wholistically (52:18) Dr. Glidden ND with Dr. Lee Merritt MD on the Medical Rebel podcast.
Antibiotic Side Effects: 8 Insane Things They Do to Your Body
Big Pharma Is Fooling You Again (41:30) from ozempic to everything else...
Buying Drug Endorsements: Amidst the billion-dollar competition to create the newest blockbuster drug, there's one thing worth more than all the ads money can buy: a single positive mention in a respected medical journal. Doctors rely so heavily on what's printed in journals, it directly affects a drug's success or failure. Now, many drug companies are actually writing those articles, then paying doctors to sign their names to them. It's called ghostwriting, reports CBS News Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson.

Candida Albicans (51:25) 2016 Mercola Interview with Dr. Leon Chaitow. If you're not optimally healthy, could candida be at fault? In this interview, British osteopath and naturopath, Dr. Leon Chaitow, author of "Candida Albicans: Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection," discusses its dangers — and more importantly, how to address this exceedingly common infection.
● Cleanses. The Cure For All Diseases, Hulda Clark, pg 324 ~ There are 4 cleanses, and practicioners recommend doing them all in order: Digestive, parasite, kidney, and liver. Cleaning the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure that you can do to improve your body’s health. But it should not be done before the parasite program, and for best results should follow the kidney cleanse and any dental work you need.

Detox page
DIY Home Health Hacks: DIY health hacks & remedies, listed alphabetically
Doctors are the Third Leading Cause of Death in the US, Causing 250,000 Deaths Every Year This article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) may be the best article ever written in the published literature documenting the tragedy of the traditional medical paradigm; by Dr. Barbara Starfield.
Doctors Why Won't They Innovate? • Analysis by A Midwestern Doctor • October 2023 • Tips and tricks for finding a doctor who can think outside of the box to help you. videos: Retrofuturism in the 50s, Better living through chemisty
Escaping Dis-Ease Drs Mark & Michelle Sherwood
Forgotten Side of Medicine A Midwestern Doctor (AMD) is a board-certified physician in the Midwest and a longtime reader of He provides exceptional insight on a wide range of topics. He remains anonymous as he is still on the front lines treating patients.

● Healthcare Industry: What Are the Priorities? A recent private conference revealed how the FDA is supporting Big Pharma profiting off of Alzheimer's and obesity. "...once people occupy a certain position of power in the government or corporations, a certain degree of sociopathic thought emerges where they stop caring about the human costs of fulfilling their objectives (such as making more money)." A 27 pg article by A Midwestern Doctor.
Healing Potions – Basic Herbal Real Medicine Preparations. Big Pharma, “Google and Facebook may want to stomp on natural health information, but there's a reason people keep coming back to herbal remedies - they work.” ~ Laurie Neverman (, July 30, 2022.
● health: mercola-anniversary 2022.pdf
● health: mercola-links health liberty partners.pdf
● health: mercola-reverse disease protocol.pdf
● health: 10-reasons-behind-most-chronic-health-issues-mercola.pdf
● health: Health through God's Pharmacy.pdf
● health: health-hope-freedom-Drs-Sherwood.pdf
● health: Health Videos Drs Mark & Michelle Sherwood Youtube channel
● health: Health & Fitness ~ (
● herbs: top-ten-herbs-for-health-medicinal.pdf
Home Doctor.pdf
Homeopathic Prevention & Treatment of Infectious Contagious Disease.pdf
HOSPITAL CAREGIVER & CONSENT FORM: An “Advance Decision” Document (How to Save Your Life and Those You Love When Hospitalized) This document stops hospital bullies and could save your life. After being denied informed consent and given five rounds of remdesivir that nearly took her life, Greta Crawford had had enough - and developed this document to stop medical bullies from poisoning you, pulling the wool over your eyes, and holding you hostage.
● Hospital tips-to-avoid-medical-harm.pdf 3rd leading cause of death: Medicine
What Makes Hospitals So Deadly and How Can We Fix It? Analysis by A Midwestern Doctor
How to (More Safely) Go to the Doctor (freemansperspective)
Hypothyroidism Symptoms (01:21); Mercola, published in 2017. Hair loss, difficulty losing weight, and constipation are some of the most common hypothyroidism symptoms. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's possible that you may have a sluggish thyroid.
Hypoxia Optimizes Mitochondrial Function: Controlled intermittent hypoxia (low oxygen) can be used in treatment of diseases such as asthma, high blood pressure, chronic inflammation and chronic infections. A Russian health hack: Grab a paper bag... or intermittently hold your breath. Intermittent fasting also works synergistically with hypoxic training.

● kerosene (“petroleum”) a Universal Healer, see Forbidden Health, pg 92.

● Lifestyle Improvements The Cure For All Disease page 230. Easy prevention of pathogens, parasites and toxins that lead to disease. Four Clean-ups (pg 242) are dental, diet, body and home; aimed at removing parasites and pollutants at their source. Only then can your body heal and ward off disease.
Live with Dr Pizzorno-natural medicine.pdf
Live with Dr Ray Strand-Rx Drugs.pdf
Live with Gary Null-get healthy.pdf
Lost_Book_of Herbal_Remedies.pdf
Medicine from Fish.pdf

Methylene Blue. It's not just another supplement; it's a powerful agent that can both 'accept and donate' electrons - and treat everything from mental health disorders to acute medical emergencies. Clinical trials have even reported a 16 mg daily dose provides an astounding 80% reversal of Alzheimer's symptoms. Research reveals methylene blue's anticancer properties, particularly in chemoresistant ovarian tumors, by selectively targeting cancer cell mitochondria while sparing healthy cells from damage.
● Metabolism: Health, Life
    • Critical Facts About Your Metabolism Part I (38:19)
    • Critical Facts About Your Metabolism Part II (1:54:36)

Natural Healing Secrets of Native Americans.pdf
Natural Health Library ~ 1000s of searchable articles on hundreds of natural health topics, videos and more.
NaturalNews Mike Adams (Health Ranger, founder, Brighteon)
NO... One Word Can Save Your Life. (Time Magazine ~ but taken down now)
Nutrition Can Save America! This eye-opening report explains how and why America can be saved from collapse by unleashing the healing power of nutrition.

● Rx: 15 Dangerous Drugs Big Pharma Shoves Down Your Throat; statins, birth control, painkillers, NSAIDs, autoimmune Tx, nicotine withdrawal drug, sleeping aids, estrogen blocker for breast cancer, osteoporosis Tx, HRT, asthma Tx, diabetes Tx, Ritalin, etc... If these drugs could successfully treat and cure disease, the United States would have the healthiest inhabitants on the planet.
● Rx: NSAID painkillers (learn more here about back pain too)
● Rx: SSRI antidepressants
● Rx: statins
● Rx: stomach acid blocking PPIs

Secret Sources.pdf Mike Adams; Healing Foods, Life-Saving Natural Medicines
Self Healers Protocol 2015.pdf by Darko Velcek (18 pgs) some good points
Take Back Your Health Power.pdf

Mercola at Ron Paul institute

  • Dr. Mercola spoke at the Ron Paul Institute (2024) | pdf | video
  • Modern medicine is heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies, leading to an overreliance on prescriptions rather than addressing root causes of disease.
  • Three major threats to cellular energy production include consumption of seed oils, exposure to plastics containing endocrine disruptors and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from wireless technologies. These factors disrupt mitochondrial function.
  • Gut health is intricately linked to mitochondrial function. Damaged mitochondria cannot properly remove oxygen from your intestines, allowing harmful bacteria to flourish and produce endotoxins that further compromise health.

● Skin: Explore the deeper connections between overall health and skin health article: The Hidden Connections Between Skin Health and Overall Wellness | Dr. Keira Barr, the "Skin Whisperer" video (1:03:44)

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Homeopathy v. Allopathy

Specific Holistic Topics

● Alcohol: What Does the Science Say About Alcohol Consumption? pdf | video (58:37)
Allergies and the Pulse Test (
Aloe Vera Miracle.pdf
antibiotic side effects: 8 insane things they do
● appendix: Two-Thirds of Appendectomies May Be Unnecessary. It's the most common emergency surgery, and many experts believe this body part has no known function. But they're wrong - it actually acts like a probiotic battery pack, recolonizing your intestines with good bacteria after an infection.

● back pain: how-to-avoid-back-pain-mercola.pdf
Baking Soda - Inexpensive Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases. This household staple may be an effective treatment for aches and pains from arthritis, autoimmune disease and sports; it may even help a difficult labor. It raises your blood pH and tells your cells that your body is not under attack, thereby averting a harmful autoimmune response.
● Baking Soda (NaHCO3): Sodium Bicarbonate Rich Man Poor Man Cancer Tx.pdf by Sircus, 504 pgs. (Note: When posting on social media, Sircus is a jerk.)
Biofilm (2:35) How bacteria form a biofilm (read more on Lyme Disease).
Blood Chemistry Panels: Tests & What They Indicate About Your Health. While most health practitioners rely on reference ranges provided by the laboratory, there's another evidence-based set of optimal reference ranges, which can more readily predict underlying pathology. There's some remarkable information you can harvest from a basic blood panel, yet many physicians are unclear about blood panel results, or don't share them with you. Video (58:37)
Blood Pressure: How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Without a Prescription. A whopping 16 million Americans still have out-of-control blood pressure, even with BP medication. The true approach to lowering blood pressure isn't what most people think. Try this simple step and get triple the benefits, all without resorting to pills.
Blue Light Can Cause Blindness. Digital devices such as cellphones, computers, tablets and TVs emit primarily blue light, excessive exposure to which may affect your risk of age-related macular degeneration and blindness. Here are simple and easy strategies to reduce your risk.
Borax includes video, recipe protocols (
● Borax Boric Acid ovarian cancer treatment.pdf
● Borax How to Make Magnesium Chloride and Boron Solution.pdf
● Borax The_Borax_Conspiracy-by_Walter_Last.pdf
● Borax Borax-DIY-soap.pdf
● brain injury ~ Concussion Repair Manual ( A Guide to Traumatic Brain Injury, published March 18, 2018 (video link 01:23:01) It pummels your brain. Those at highest risk may start showing signs of dementia in their 30s and 40s. If you're also genetically predisposed by having one or two ApoE4 alleles and then do this, your risk increases at least tenfold. Fortunately, your brain is plastic and healable. Here's how to help heal yourself.

● Candida: If you're not optimally healthy, could candida be at fault? In this interview, British osteopath and naturopath, Dr. Leon Chaitow, author of "Candida Albicans: Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection" (51:25) discusses its dangers — and more importantly, how to address this exceedingly common infection. Candida albicans is a very pervasive yeast. While normally harmless (probably why it is not susceptible to MMS), if your immune system becomes disrupted from exposure to antibiotics, poor diet or lack of sleep, candida can begin to grow out of control. Common signs and symptoms of candida overgrowth include white coating on your tongue, sudden development of food sensitivities, aches and pains, gut problems, persistent fatigue, skin problems and vaginitis. The remedy is (not easy, but) simple: Implement a lifestyle that boosts immune function. Eat a low net-carb, high-fiber diet to nourish beneficial bacteria while suppressing opportunistic fungi like candida that feed on sugar.

● Chronic, Mysterious Illness; Annie Hopper, Retraining Your Limbic System video (52:54) This video offers an affordable program for recovery. It presents a revolutionary method that explores the connection between a common type of brain dysfunction (limbic hyperactivity or dysfunction) and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FM) scent, food and substance sensitivities, Lyme and other chronic illnesses. Remember, though, even if your symptoms dissipate through limbic retraining, you still need to mitigate the cellular injury that toxic chemicals, mold or EMF exposure has inflicted.
● Cleanses: see detox page
Colloidal silver.pdf
Colloidal silver articles (
Colloidal silver politics. There are a number of alternative healing therapies that work so well and cost so little (compared to conventional treatment), that Organized Medicine, the Food & Drug Administration, and their overlords in the Pharmaceutical Industry (The Big Three) would rather the public not know about them. The reason is obvious: Alternative, non-toxic therapies represent a potential loss of billions of dollars to allopathic (drug) medicine and drug companies.
Cream of Tartar~5 Surprising Benefits: reduces arthritis pain, relieves urinary tract infection, clears acne, reduces blood pressure, and to quit smoking, it pulls nicotine from your body.

DE.pdf diatamceous earth
● depression: Top Tips to Cope With Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)—One of the Biggest Winter Health Risks is Not the Flu... Millions are affected by depression every winter, with symptoms including oversleeping, intense carbohydrate cravings, overeating and more. If you're nodding your head, here is the best DIY treatment.
● depression; antidepressants: Antidepressants Can Rewire Your Mind to the Point of Committing Violent Crimes. Exercise has been shown to be 1.5 times more effective than antidepressants for mental health. Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 23, 2024 | video (1:10:50)
depression; antidepressants: The Dark Side of Antidepressants | Analysis by A Midwstern Doctor | Jan 2025

The EFT Thing (
Eye Health articles including dark circles! (

Fatty Liver Disease
Fever: If & When to Worry.
Fibromyalgia Linked to Extensive Brain Inflammation. Fibromyalgia, characterized by chronic, widespread pain is an often-debilitating condition that primarily affects women. While as many as 10 million Americans have fibromyalgia, its cause remains a mystery. Recent research shows fibromyalgia patients tend to have severe inammation in their body, including their nervous system and brain. Video: Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Releasing Chronic Pain with Julie Schiffman (12:50)

Google has parterned with WebMD. Google wants to be your virtual doctor. If you trust and use Google, hey, no problem!
Grounding: A Simple Way to Reduce Inflammation and Chronic Disease
  video1 (15:21) video2 (01:42)

Hair Loss: Natural remedy proven in research, to work better than minoxidil (Rogaine).
Hearing: Tinnitus(
Heartburn: Natural Strategies Beyond Medications. Explore effective ways to manage heartburn by addressing its root cause. From dietary adjustments and natural supplements to stimulating stomach acid production, learn how to alleviate symptoms without relying on pills. Why you shouldn't take antacids.
H2O2 hydrogen peroxide information
● Hydrogen Water: Molecular Hydrogen, Not High pH, Is Highly Beneficial for Your Health. It's unlikely that drinking alkaline water does you much good. You're probably just wasting your money. Hydrogen water, on the other hand, when consumed on a daily basis, has wide-ranging health benefits. Video (1:36:43)
Inguinal Hernias: Incidence, Causes, and Treatments

● liver cleanse: Easy-Liver-Gallbladder-Body-Flush.pdf
● liver cleanse: liver-cleanse Andreas-Mortiz.pdf
● liver cleanse: The Amazing Liver & Gall Bladder Cleanse.pdf (A. Moritz book)
● Lung Health: Natural Ways to Cleanse Your Lungs.pdf
● Lung Health: Exercises That Help Increase Lung Capacity.pdf

Lyme Disease—The Quite Epidemic: World's Sneakiest, Hidden Disease Despite being more prevalent than HIV and breast cancer combined, this disease remains a controversial topic in medicine as its chameleon-like nature often leads to misdiagnosis and delayed treatments. Here are four little-known symptoms it uses to fool you.
Lyme Disease Now Found in All US States: With the risks greater than at any time in history, please tread carefully. This also mimics MS, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and ADHD. You don't want to get caught in this 'web of misfortune' - it even puts your heart on the chopping block.
Lyme Disease: biofilm, natural treatments including Lumbrokinase, with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, one of the leading authorities on Lyme disease. video (01:35:01).

● Lymph System: Mastering Manual Lymphatic Drainage: A Comprehensive Guide to Self-Care and Wellness (Cancer Rehab PT) pdf | video
● Lymph System: Unlocking Your Body's Detox Potential: The Role of Lymphatics — Interview with Dr. Perry Nickelston. Like a fish tank filter, the lymphatic system cleans out bacteria, viruses, toxins - and even traps cancer cells, slowing their spread. When they stagnate, it wreaks havoc on your body (triggering cardiovascular and brain issues) but you can turn them 'on' via these 6 pressure points. pdf | video

methylene-blue health benefits.pdf
Methylene blue Telegram Channel; methylene blue provides oxygen to the cell mitochondria. This helps them to use energy efficiently, return to a normal functioning state, and detox themselves. It's also an antifungal, antibacterial, and has been used to treat some cancers. It can be used right along side MMS1. If you join this channel, there are all kinds of resources. And a few others from the MMS channels are over there as well, the owner is one of the Admins on TUA, so we can help you learn.
Molecular Hydrogen & Oxidative Stress heard of molecular medicine? Drs Mark & Michelle Sherwood
● Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS): Wired for Healing-Mercola Interview with Annie Hopper (52:54) this report is especially for Deb Vickery.

Opiods & Alernatives video: Kratom as an opium substitute (1:10:27).
● Opium addiction: Kratom as an Alternative for Opium Withdrawal. (video link, 01:10:27 and youtube video 05:42 and Joe Rogan podcast #876 01:16) Traditionally used in Thailand and Malaysia, users discovered that they could go outdoors in the morning and pluck a few fresh leaves from this coffee family plant, brew a tea, and then drink it two or three times a day for relief. Scientists believe this plant could be a real saving grace.
Oral Contraceptives: The Disturbing Truth.
Oral Health.

PCOS-Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome — A Health Issue Affecting Women Worldwide. Environmental factors like exposure to "forever chemicals" (PFAS) and microplastics disrupt hormones and increase PCOS risk. Reducing exposure and considering progesterone therapy may help balance hormones. Helpful supplements include inositol and carnitine, CoQ10, turmeric, licorice and vitamin K2. To reduce microplastic exposure, use filtered water, choose alternative packaging materials, use natural fiber clothing, and avoid plastic food containers, especially when microwaving.
PLANTS: ( 7000 rare and unusual plants with edible, medicinal or other uses.
● Posture: How Postural Restoration Can Help Restore Your Health Aleena Kanner

statins-just-say-no-mercola.pdf (video w/Dr. Aseem Malhotra 14:54) They manipulated the statistics and greatly exaggerated the vaccine benefits, and this pill is no different. Despite millions getting deadly side effects, your chances of a heart attack are only 1.1% lower. How did they pull the wool over everyone's eyes? By improving mitochondrial function and reducing oxidative damage, CoQ10 offers a safer, more effective path to heart health than statins.
● Stress: Suppressed negative emotions such as fear, anger and sadness can radically increase your cortisol levels and severely limit your ability to cope with the unavoidable everyday stresses of life. It's not the stressful events themselves that are harmful, but your lack of ability to cope. The good news is, strategies exist to rapidly and effectively transform your suppressed negative emotions, and relieve stress. One of the most well-studied of these is an energy psychology method called the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). By teaching your body to slow down and relax when stress hits — essentially short-circuiting your physical stress reaction — you can protect your health. EFT is easy to learn and can be done just about anytime, anywhere. For a demonstration, see video: Tapping for Stress Relief: EFT/ Tapping with Julie Schiffman (11:07).
● Sunshine: The Role of Sun Exposure in Optimizing Your Cellular Health pdf | video (45:04)

● thryroid: Unraveling the Mysteries of Thyroid Health | interview with Dr. Alan Christianson | video (1:13:17)
● thryroid: Essential Guide to Understanding and Optimizing Thyroid Health | video (1:18:13) — Mercola Interview with Carol Petersen. Symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain and depression are often dismissed as normal aging processes. But they can be reversed by fixing this extremely common dysfunction, which impacts up to 80% of people by age 60.
● thryroid: Vitamin D Powers Your Immune Defense Against Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Having optimal vitamin D levels help improve thyroid function by decreasing TSH levels and increasing FT3 and FT4 levels, with active vitamin D (calcitriol) being more effective than other vitamin D supplements.

● turpentine video
● turpentine Basic_Turpentine_Protocol.pdf
● turpentine The_Candida_Cleaner_by_Dr_Jennifer_Daniels.pdf Version 2.0
● turpentine Turpentine_Protocols.pdf

UTIs linked to antibiotic-resistant chicken. A form of E. coli known as ExPEC is responsible for over 90 percent of urinary tract infections (UTIs); many caused by eating contaminated chicken meat.
● UTI prevention: D-Mannose found to work as well as antibiotics

● vision: Tips and Tricks From a Holistic Eye Health Coach Taylor DeGroot.
Optimize your Eye Health with Holistic Strategies (1:10:46). Learn simple remedies and tools that can help you address common vision problems and see how your dietary choices, lifestyle and stress can also impact your vision.
● Vitamin Therapy Hi-Dose Vitamin Therapy to prevent, treat, even cure viral diseases (Vit C vs polio, Vit D vs disease, etc.) Exploring the Myriad Benefits of Niacin on Human Health - Dr. Joseph Mercola Interview with Dr. Andrew Saul.

● water: Cancer-Causing Chemicals Found in Tap and Bottled Water A recent study found that carcinogens are lurking in various sources of drinking water, including bottled water, which is often perceived as the safer option. Here are strategies to minimize your exposure.
● water: The_Water_Cure_1.pdf
● water: The Healing Power of Water.pdf

● zinc: mold-fungus-jim-humble-cheap-salves-powders.pdf Zinc oxide ointment (minimum 40%) cures many different skin problems

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