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Food & Nutrition
● Diet: Dr. Mercola's Nutrition Plan
● Part 1: My New Dietary Recommendations Explained in Detail Dr. Mercola; August 2023. For a long time, I promoted a low-carb ketogenic-type eating plan, but based on what I have recently learned, I've revised my recommendations. 95 to 97% of the population in the U.S. is metabolically inflexible and would likely benefit from a low-carb, high-fat keto approach with intermittent fasting. However, once you have resolved your insulin resistance (which typically takes a few months but can take longer) and can optimally burn fat for fuel, it is very clear to me that you need to cycle carbs back into your diet. The ideal carbs are ripe fruits. Crucial Facts About Your Metabolism (38:19) Georgi Dinkov
● Part 2: The Great Aging Myth: Experts Baffled, Why Isn't It Obvious? September 2023. It plays a crucial role in accelerated aging, yet this complex concept is not understood by any health experts. In fact, if you look at the data from medical books, it turns out the truth is the exact opposite: Your metabolism is high when electrons move rapidly and easily through the mitochondrial electron transport chain. When electrons are impeded from moving forward, they can back up, leak through the mitochondrial membrane and start moving backward, where they combine with oxygen to create excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS). Crucial Facts About Your Metabolism (1:54:31) Georgi Dinkov
● 2014_Shopper_Guide_to_Pesticides_in_Produce.pdf
● 2022_guide-dirty-dozen.pdf
● 2022 dirtydozen-GroceryShoppingList.ods: homemade shopping list
● 20-Alternative-Flours-To-Wheat-mercola.pdf
● 25-Amazing-and-Weird-Facts-About-Food.pdf
● 25-Amazing-Facts-About-Food.pdf
● 25-health-tips-mercola.pdf
● anti-inflammatory nutrients (fight LAs)
● attack-on-food-CHD-symposium-mercola.pdf solutions
● Attack on Food and Solutions to Fight Back; Symposium held by Childrens Health Fund Mar 2023. (7:25:27) The food supply is under attack, and corporations want you to believe their products are natural. Fake, ultraprocessed foods give the globalists unprecedented power and control over human health; the symposium goes into detail on how farmers, individuals and society can fight back. James Corbett, Joe Mercola, Stephanie Seneff and many more presenters in this symposium.
Session 1: Attacks on Food & Agriculture
Session 2: Solutions for Farmers (Ronnie Cummins, OCA cofounder and director, noted that among the world's small farmers, fewer than 1% are certified organic. However, there are 60 million small and medium farms that could become certified organic if it weren't for all the regulatory hurdles in place; he recommends cutting out the middle man.)
Session 3: Solutions for Individuals
Session 4: Societal Solutions
● Apeel: Mysterious Fruit Coating - A Health Hazard? May 10, 2023 (video :59) Over the last decade, the Gates Foundation has spent more than $1 billion on a technology to 'extend the shelf life' of produce. It's now even being used on organic produce: apples, avocados, cucumbers and citrus fruits. With disturbing details emerging, is this a scheme to turn real food into heart bombs?
● Apple Cider: The Virtues of Apple Cider (2:06?) link in Mercola report
● artificial-sweeteners all-are-toxic-to-gut-bacteria-mercola.pdf
● artificial-sweeteners-and-cancer-mercola.pdf
● artificial sweetener aspartame: Effects Show Up in Offspring 2 Generations Later. The toxic effects of the artificial sweetener aspartame harm more than the immediate consumer. The health damage, including changes linked to anxiety, are passed on to offspring for multiple generations.
● candy: Titanium Dioxide candy supplements.pdf
● carbs: A Surprising Reason Why You May Need More in Your Diet (May 2023)
● diatomaceous earth
● emotional-eating-food-addiction-mercola.pdf
● enzymes-101-mercola.pdf
● fake-food-mercola.pdf
● fake-olive-oil-mercola.pdf; Is Your Olive Oil Fake? (1:09)
● fermenting foods: Art of Fermentation.pdf
● fish: Farmed Norwegian Salmon is World's Most Toxic Food (54:27)
● food: Processed Food Dangerous Ingredient List.txt
● food packaging: nano-silver_product_inventory-in-food-contact-products.pdf
● Food for Life: The Joe Cohen Show, Episode 1 (46:24). Dr. Mercola discusses several fundamental health principles, that with even small changes add up to meaningful health improvements over time, especially when you know where to focus your energy. Eliminating vegetable/ seed oils from your diet and getting more sun exposure tops his list of healthy habits. Embracing time restricted eating (TRE), which means limiting your eating window to six to eight hours per day, is also important. Exercise and protecting yourself from electromagnetic fields round out his five top habits for a healthier life.
● Food-Timing-Diet.pdf
● Food: Government "Health Foods" The Standard American Diet is quite SAD when you think about it. It makes people sick, inflamed, and fat. Drs Mark & Michelle Sherwood
● food-addiction-how-to-resolve-it-mercola.pdf
● food-compass-WEF.pdf Elitists' Goal: Wipe Out Good Food. The Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy's Food Compass, unveiled in late 2021, is another WEF Great Reset tool designed to discourage consumption of animal foods by falsely rating them as unhealthy, and encouraging consumption of ultraprocessed foods by giving them high nutritional ratings.
● grains: gluten-what-you-must-know-mercola.pdf
● grains: glyphosate-in-oat-products-mercola.pdf
● grains: glyphosate-use-increases.pdf in lots of food; grains are the worst
● grains: Are We Designed to Eat Grains? By Dr. Mercola
● grains: flour-alternatives-mercola.pdf
● grains: Wheat & Barley (05:53) Dr. Lee Merritt, the medical rebel. Wheat is an inflammatory food. This goes beyond gluten, bromate, etc. Barley is about as bad; but the worst is wheat. Omit them from your diet; and don't cheat on this rule. Almost all wheat eaten today is high-yield semi dwarf wheat, which was developed by cross-breeding and crude genetic manipulation around the year 1960; which has been hybridized & radiated and has mutated chromosones. It has small particle LDL cholesterol, Amylopectin A which leads to leaky gut syndrome. It binds with morphine receptors and creates food cravings. Organic or not, this is not good for you.
● GMOs Revealed and video (1:50:51) Triple Board-Certified Dr. Zach Bush busts open the #1 myth about GMOs (so you won't be fooled)… How the “dust bowl” and the Vietnam war poisoned today's food… AND: The real reason GMOs pose such a serious threat to humans (it's probably NOT what you think) Vani Hari shares the exact steps you can take TODAY to protect your family from further exposure… AND how to start healing the damage already done by these foods. Vani also shares how one chemical inside GMOs—that is known to cause cancer—has made its way into just about every food we eat. Gunnar Lovelace explains how to save the next generation from cancer and chronic-disease-riddled life we accept as “normal”.
● golden-milk-benefits-mercola.pdf Golden milk is a hot or cold drink made with turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, honey and your choice of milk. Some recipes call for nutmeg, black pepper and other spices. Multiple health benefits are associated with golden milk may stem from the anti-inflammatory properties of the combination, which include cancer prevention and treatment, pain control and weight management.
● healthy-sweetener-what-is-nadph-and-nox.pdf
● Immune System ~ (thebigvirushoax.com)
● Junk Food 'Brainwashes' You so You're Wired to Eat More: Did you know this food component rewires the brain, changes how you think and negatively affects memory and learning? A quick and clear route to better health includes eliminating it from your daily food choices.
● keto: keytones-travis-christofferson-nutritional-ketosis-mercola.pdf
● LAs: Linoleic Acid — The Leading Contributor to Most Chronic Diseases - (02:24:54) Interview with Tucker Goodrich.
● LAs: Linoleic Acid — The Most Destructive Ingredient in Your Diet (July 2023); Video-1 (32:11) Video-2 (11:25) Video-3 (16:46). Research paper.
● LAs: Linoleic Acid: How it Ruins Your Health. You hear a lot about essential fatty acids, but did you know certain ones can damage your metabolism and set you up for obesity, heart disease and worse?
● LAs: 0mega-6 is BAD: omega-6 fat is loaded with linoleic acid (LA), the primary fatty acid found in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Unsaturated fat intake is associated with increased mortality from COVID-19, while saturated fat intake lowers your risk of death. The 10- to 20-times increase in LA intake over the past 150 years is believed to be a primary reason for the obesity epidemic contributing to an increase in diabetes, cancer, heart disease, age-related macular degeneration, and dementia. LA is worse for you than sugar. It is of utmost important to eliminate most any source of significant omega-6 fat. This would, of course, mean not only avoiding all vegetable & seed oils, but most seeds and nuts which are also high in omega-6 fat. Additionally, it is key to understand that most all restaurant food is cooked in seed oils, and all their dishes are served with sauces and salad dressings made with seed oils. Eating too much LA can not be helped by eating more omega-3 fats. Conclusion: Lowering LA levels to as low as possible is the key to lowering the risk of obesity.
● LAs: linoleic-acid-THE-ARTICLE-health-overview-mercola.pdf
● LAs: linoleic acid is BAD / omega-6 is BAD (also see seed oils on health hacks page): omega-6 fat is loaded with linoleic acid (LA), the primary fatty acid found in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Unsaturated fat intake is even associated with increased mortality from COVID-19, while saturated fat intake lowers your risk of death. The 10- to 20-times increase in LA intake over the past 150 years is believed to be a primary reason for the obesity epidemic contributing to an increase in diabetes, cancer, heart disease, age-related macular degeneration, and dementia. LA is worse for you than sugar. It is of utmost important to eliminate most any source of significant omega-6 fat. This would, of course, mean not only avoiding all vegetable & seed oils, but most seeds and nuts which are also high in omega-6 fat. Additionally, it is key to understand that most all restaurant food is cooked in seed oils which are also used in their sauces and salad dressings. A diet with too much LA can't be helped by increasing omega-3 fats. Eliminate all seed oils from your diet, as excess seed oils are the primary reason why most people are metabolically inflexible. Lowering LA levels to as low as possible is the key to lowering the risk of obesity. While the average person's consumption of these oils is around 25% to 30% of total daily calories, it should only be about 1% to 2%.
● LAs: Linoleic Acid — The Most Destructive Ingredient in Your Diet By Dr Frank Yap, MD (total overview on subject) May 08, 2023.
● LAs: Linoleic Acid—Too Much Omega-6? Here's How to Purge It From Your Cells. If you can't give up processed foods or have consumed them over many years, you likely have a huge excess of omega-6 stored, which affects your body's ability to make EPA and DHA. It can take up to 7 years to get your omega-6 load down to healthy low levels--but while reducing your intake of omega-6 you can also take krill oil supplement to help push the excess out of your cell membranes (don't buy fish oil--that is actually a synthetic substance that is stored in large vats for years, and is unhealthy).
● LAs: instead of LAs, stick to the healthy oils: why-butter-and-coconut-oil-are-good-for-you-mercola.pdf
● LAs: The Importance of Omega-3 for Cell Membrane Function (1:48:54) Everything You Don't Know About Omega-3s: Did you know you can use omega-3s to help push omega-6s - especially potentially harmful LA - out of your cells? The average person may have as much as 1,000% more omega-6 than omega-3 stored in their cells, and it can take six or seven years to get rid of it. Most people aren't willing to forgo processed foods and end up with far too much LA, which then necessitates taking extra omega-3. By increasing your omega-3 intake, the EPA and DHA can push the omega-6 out of your membranes. The benefits from the change in dose is not felt until 6 months.
● meat: carnivore-red-meat-mercola.pdf
● meat: eat-beef-red-meat-healing-benefits.pdf
● meat: eat-beef.pdf
● meat: fake-meat-fake-breastmilk-food-shortages-mercola.pdf
● meat: fake-meat-is-junk-food-mercola.pdf
● meat: fake-meat-lies-lab-grown-meat-companies-mercola.pdf
● meat: ultraprocessed-food-environmental-impacts-fake-meat-food.pdf
● meat: vegetarian-diets-how-they-could-affect-pregnancy-mercola.pdf
● meat: wheres-the-beef-ask-bill-gates-fake-beef-mercola.pdf
● milk: Devil_in_the_Milk_Illness_Health_and_the_Politics_of_A1/A2.pdf
● mushrooms-help-protect-your-brain-mercola.pdf
● mold: Here's Why You Don't Ever Want to Eat Moldy Bread: The last time your bread got moldy, did you cut it off and eat it or throw out the whole loaf? There are some foods you can cut around the mold, while others may make you sick. I'll share tips for how to reduce mold growth on your food and what to do when you find it. Never Eat the Clean Part of Moldy Bread (3:21)
● nutrition censored: DrWright-CensoredNutrition.pdf (24 pgs)
● oil spray: Is There Propane in Your Nonstick Avocado Oil Spray? Cooking sprays are touted for being low in calories and convenient. But they are largely made up of some of the most toxic ingredients in the food supply.
● oxalates: Toxic Superfoods OXYLATES (the book) by Sally K. Norton; video (01:22:07)
● oxalates-can-wreck-your-health.pdf and Sally Norton video (01:22:07)
● oxalates - Toxic Superfoods (SallyKNorton.com) 1 pg
High OX Foods: beans, grains, bran, sesame and other seeds, peanuts, almonds, and other nuts, swiss chard, spinach, beets, potatoes, chocolate, rhubarb, figs, kiwi, blackberries, black pepper, cumin, turmeric.
Low OX Foods: meats, dairy, eggs, fats and oils, and other non-plant foods; arugula, avocado, bok-choy, cabbage, cauliflower, cilantro, cucumber, garlic, kohlrabi, lettuce, mustard greens, mushrooms, green peas, watercress
● oxalates: High Oxalate Foods: Why They're Problematic, by Tracy Ariza, DDS, February 24, 2023.
● oxalates: vitamin B6 and magnesium, taken daily, can prevent oxalate stones from forming. But only if you stop drinking tea. Tea has 15.6 mg oxalic acid per cup(1). A tall glass of iced tea could give you over 20 mg oxalic acid. Switch to herb teas. Cocoa and chocolate, also, have too much oxalic acid to be used as beverages. (1) Taken from Food Values 14ed by Pennington and Church 1985. ~ The Cure For All Diseases, Hulda Clark, pg 322. You can dissolve all your kidney stones in 3 weeks, but make new ones in 3 days if you are drinking tea and cocoa and phosphated beverages. None of the beverage recipes in this book are conducive to stone formation.
● Plant Paradox (book 412 pgs) by Dr. Steven R Gundry MD. It turns out the same plant toxins that can kill or immobilize an insect can also silently destroy your health and insidiously impact your weight. The paradox: small portions of some plants are good for you but large amounts are bad for you. I titled this book The Plant Paradox because while many plant foods are good for you—and form the bedrock of my eating plan—others that have been regarded as “health foods” are actually to blame for making you sick and overweight. Most plants actually want to make you ill.
● Protein: Animal and Plant Protein Sources Are Not Equal. Maintaining your muscle mass as you age is an integral part of staying healthy and independent. A 2023 study finds that not all protein sources offer the same health benefit. Protein is the primary building block for muscle and muscle loss is associated with a loss of independence and risk of premature death. The healthiest choice for us and the environment is real, grass fed meat that has proven to produce a negative net total carbon footprint. After reaching your 40s, you can lose roughly 1% of muscle mass each year, which corresponds to a 1% to 3% reduction in strength. Losing muscle is associated with a loss of independence in the elderly and a downward decline in health, including the risk of premature death.
● Salt: Why Decreasing Your Sodium Intake Might Wreck Your Health: Interview with Dr. James DiNicolantonio (46:26). The average person consumed about 100 grams of salt per day back in the 1600s. Today it plummeted to below 10 grams. With such low levels, why do we have far higher rates of hypertension?
● Salt: A Better Strategy for Health Than Reducing Your Salt Intake... Contrary to what your doctor may tell you, low salt intake is linked to high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. And reducing your salt intake could even raise your risk for heart disease and insulin resistance. Rather than cutting back on salt, follow this three-step strategy.
● Spices: Many brands are filled with heavy metals, including lead, arsenic and cadmium. Organic status didn't predict safety, and thyme and oregano were consistently problematic in tests. If you don't grow your own, look for
Simply Organic, Woodstock Organic and Great Value Organic brands.
● sprouts: benefits of growing sprouts.pdf
Sugar: The Sugary Truth (4:35) In Mercola's sugar report; excellent overview of the cause of obesity epidemic, insulin resistance and all the related health issues. |