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Aging ~ Fitness ~ Longevity

"The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been." - Madeleine L'Engle

Life Habits ?? Fitness ?? Nutrition & Supplements ?? Aging Issues


******** LIFE HABITS overview ********

Lifespan and Metabolic Health will naturally be positively influenced by:

******** LIFE HABITS details ********

Gut Health; a good quick overview read is: gut-bacteria-mercola.pdf

● Proper Sleep: How to Get Proper Sleep Nightly. The emerging evidence is clear and compelling. Your circadian rythym regulates everything from your metabolism to mood. Even controls half your genes. Ignore it, and you lay out the red carpet for disease - stimulating food cravings, diabetes, depression, tumors, premature aging and more. Sleep Position (5:40)

Cortisol: Low-carb eating needs a radical rethink, following the latest discovery about how it makes cortisol levels soar. This can accelerate the aging process and could be catabolic to your brain - something very few in the longevity community are even aware of.

● TRE: Time restricted eating is a health protocol; eating all meals within 4--6 hours/ day. If you're metabolically inflexible, you have insulin resistance, meaning you are unable to easily switch between burning sugar and fat as your primary fuel. TRE may be quite beneficial to kick-start metabolism, but don't do TRE more than a month at a time. Once you are no longer insulin resistant, it is best to vary your eating window between 8 and 12 hours, or else, when being deprived of glucose for too long, that will stimulate your liver to produce high levels of cortisol which can contribute to chronic inflammation and cellular damage. Cycle Low Carb diets and TRE. Intermitten Fasting 101. Fast Like a Woman, Dr. Mindy Pelz.

Sun Exposure

● Simple Tests to Gauge Your Fitness and Longevity:

Foundation Training. You may not even think of it as exercise. Posture & breathing. video (01:20:00) video (01:14) video (06:00) Dr. Mercola Interviews Aleena Kanner (1:03:25)

go to top******** Muscle ~ Fitness ********

The Power of Movement as Medicine (43:15); Exercise plays a crucial role in longevity and overall health, but not everyone can dedicate time to it. In this module, Dr. Mercola shares practical strategies that can help you avoid being sedentary and take your physical fitness to the next level.the sit stand test (pdf)

9 Easy Stretches to Release Lower Back and Hip Pain; Modern lifestyles are generally sedentary, and this causes tightness and pain in the shoulders and weakens the lower back, abdominals, and glutes. The psoas is the deepest flexor in the body, which is directly linked to the lumbar spine, and if tight, it causes stiffness, aches, and hip pain. Fortunately, you can relieve hip and lower back pain in a completely natural way, by using the beneficial effects of stretching... good tips, good illustrations, good article. Stretching Demo (12:00).

Should You Stretch Before or After Exercise, or Both? You're told stretch, stretch, stretch - but the bulk of scientific evidence doesn't actually support this theory. To the contrary, in fact: Most injury occurs as a result of one key factor (most injuries occur during eccentric contraction within normal range of motion), and stretching appears to increase pain tolerance, which can actually invite injury. Replace stretching with this; it works: The benefit seen in studies that support stretching before exercise as a way to avoid injury appears to be due to the warmup sequence, not the stretching. The purpose of the warmup is to increase circulation and blood flow to your muscles, and there are many simple ways to do this with aerobic exercises such as squats, jumping jacks, cycling and even walking. Similarly, stretching after exercise to prevent pain and injury, is also not the best choice. A more beneficial option is active recovery or active cool-down, such as light weightlifting, mild yoga, cycling, walking, rowing or swimming.

How Low Can You Go? Forgotten Benefits of Deep Squats. Squatting is a long-forgotten skill in Western cultures. Yet, this self-imposed cultural norm means you don't enjoy the many health benefits linked to squatting. Many health benefits are associated with deep squats, including improved bowel elimination, production of synovial fluid in the hips and knees, muscle growth that is associated with glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, improved balance and better communication between your brain and muscle groups.

Dr. Mercola and Phil Campbell on Using An Elliptical Trainer (bitchute.com/video/lXxlONG40NOy 15:26) Phil Campbell demonstrates the Peak Fitness routine

● For an instant adrenal re-charge, get your hips above your heart! This "anti-gravity" action switches the adrenals off and is very useful to remember if you are suffering from excess stress or adrenal fatigue. This is the same reason why inversions in yoga are so beneficial. So... the next time you are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, find a wall or get upside down!

Training Strategies for Endurance and Maximum Longevity: Millions Tragically Overdo This Exercise. Do You? Contrary to popular belief, the benefits of this type of exercise plateaus at a certain point and pushing past it doesn't give you any additional benefit. Do this instead - it's incredible for your heart and twice as effective at reducing risks of all-cause mortality. (Siim Land video youtube.com/watch?v=vFB5t5xTr2c 15:30)

How to Optimize Health and Strength — Even if You're Over 60: Age Is Just a Number. KAATSU is the best Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training — a proven pathway to muscular health; an ideal strategy for anyone starting out, and especially older individuals who want to avoid injury while building muscle mass and strength, this simple yet unique type of strength training can yield fast results and prevent age-related muscle decline, which can lead to frailty and premature death. This article has Mercola's discount links to his 2 favorite models offered (with no EMPs). This original article included 3 videos in it:

In the past year, there have been several articles by Mercola about KAATSU BFR training:


go to top******** NUTRITION ~ SUPPLEMENTS ********

5-HTP: Slow Aging, Get Better Sleep, Fight Depression, Increase Brain Health and Reverse Neurological Disease; Dr. Mercola interviews Dr Lee Cowden (video 1:00:25) 5-HTP doesn't just boost your absorption of nutrients - it also lifts your immune function and relaxes your body. As you get older, the enzymatic activity required to produce melatonin becomes impaired. To boost your body's production, take 5-HTP before bedtime. 5-HTP is converted to serotonin, which is further converted to melatonin. Fall asleep quickly. Here are the exact steps to follow.

Collagen for Soft Tissue Injury and Repair: It's a mobility threat hardly anyone thinks they can fix, short of surgery. But the truth is far more optimistic. Don't stand by while your tendons, ligaments and cartilage decrease resiliency and cripple you. Instead, do what Mark Sisson did to skip surgery and heal his Achilles' problem. Injuries are worsened by the fact that there's very little blood supply in connective tissue, which slows down recovery. Collagen-based connective tissue includes tendons, ligaments, cartilage and fascia — all of which tend to get weaker and less elastic with age. While a muscle injury is fairly easy to fix and recover from, connective tissue requires very specific raw materials, namely animal-based collagen such as gelatin and bone broth. Video (01:07:49)

Fiber: take 1 tablespoon Soluable Fiber a day.

GHK-Cu: De-Aging Peptide Drs Mark & Michelle Sherwood [3% GHK-Cu Copper Peptides Serum]

Glycine Supplement: Tastes Like Sugar, Boosts Lifespan and Mood. Gelatin and/or glycine supplementation, can help counteract muscle breakdown in the elderly. Research shows that women given 20 grams of gelatin daily have a drastic decline in biomarkers for muscle breakdown. Taking 3 teaspoons of glycine a day is a veritable fountain of youth - it reduces wrinkles and turns on collagen synthesis, the 'glue' that strengthens bones, arteries and ligaments and holds you together. Plus, it's protective against a host of chronic diseases, including metabolic syndrome. amazon

Hearing: Could a Vitamin Reduce Hearing Deficit? Age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, affects about 1 in 3 US adults between the ages of 65 and 74. By age 75, close to half of adults may have hearing problems. Loss of cholesterol in the inner ear may be involved in age-related hearing loss. Phytosterols, a common over-the-counter supplement, may help resolve it. Cholesterol cannot cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB), while phytosterols, which are structured similarly to cholesterol, can cross the BBB. Phytosterols supplementation increases the levels of prestin in the ear's Outer Hair Cells (OHCs). This common over-the-counter supplement helped reduce hearing deficiencies by mimicking cholesterol. Age-related hearing loss doesn’t typically exist in a bubble — it’s strongly associated with accelerated cognitive decline and risk of dementia in older adults. This, too, may have a low cholesterol connection. Early humans ate phytosterol-rich diets, consuming as much as 1 gram per day. It's found naturally in many plant foods, including celery, oranges, tangerines, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, onions, peas, romaine lettuce, pomegranates and mangos.

Magnesium Oil & DMSO Better than Botox (0:53) For skin health and rejuvenation, detoxing the skin and restoring eye health; use magnesium and DMSO. Wash your face. Then apply magnesium oil. For eyes the best way is to lay down eyes closed; spray magnesium oil first then 99% DMSO onto the face; blink a bit to allow some into the eyes. It will sting a little, but not too much.. Do at night before sleep. Cures glaucoma, cataracts, etc. So... (1. Wash Face; 2. Lay down; 3. close eyes; 4. Spray magnesium; 5. spray 99% DMSO; 6. blink; 7. close eyes; 8. sleep)

Melatonin The Most Important, Powerful Antioxidant is Melatonin, NOT Glutathione (12:29) Jan 2022. New Information: This video is a summary of an important paper (that blew me away). Learning, brain function, LED, firelight, incandescent light, blue light, vitamin D, disease, benefit of sun, infrared light.

Melatonin detox against 5G (don't use extended release form) is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant chemical our bodies produce to help regulate the sleep–wake cycle. It also supports the gut lining, which promotes healthy immune function. For health maintenance, take 1 mg of melatonin at bedtime; for active illness take 6-10mg.

Mushrooms. Why You Should Be Eating More Porcini Mushrooms. Mushrooms are a good source of fiber, vitamins B and C, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and zinc, as well as the master antioxidants ergothioneine and glutathione. Ergothioneine appears to have a very specific role in protecting your DNA from oxidative damage, while glutathione is important for detoxification of heavy metals and other contaminants. Ergothioneine and glutathione are considered important anti-aging compounds that may offer protection against age-related conditions such as cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

Niacinamide. NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is one of the most important biomolecules in your body. It repairs DNA damage in tissues, it's involved in the conversion of food to energy, maintaining DNA integrity and ensuring proper cell function, to help protect against or delay aging and disease. With age NAD declines; we lose 50% every 20 years, and, the amount of DNA damage (that needs repair) increases. One of the key enzymes that repairs this damage is called PARP1. Poly ADP ribose polymerases (PARPs), especially PARP1, repair DNA. For that enzyme to work, it needs NAD as a fuel. Also, Low-Dose Niacinamide Has Striking Antiobesity Effects. It is likely because of financial interests that niacinamide, the single best NAD+ precursor is not recommended more frequently, over niacin, NR or NMN. This is because it costs less than one cent a day and as a result there is simply no money to be made in promoting it. Spending $11 on 250 grams of niacinamide powder will give you a nearly four year supply of niacinamide. That pencils out to 23¢ a month or less than one penny a day. It is basically free. Ideal dosing of niacinamide is from 25 to 50 mg three times a day. [For comparison: 1/6 tsp = 500mg]. Buy niacinamide powder - only take 1 to 1/2 of 1/64 of a teaspoon three times a day (25-50 mg). You will need special measuring spoons to measure this small a dose. This is important as more is most definitely not better and much worse. If you use too much you will actually inhibit sirtuins which are important longevity proteins.

Nitric Oxide (13:04) L-Arginine supplement converts into N-O; or L-Citrulline, which converts into L-Arginine. Nitric Oxide is an incredible molecule. It is the spark of life, it is the source of vascular health by interfacing between the blood and the endothelial cells. By the age of 60, we are producing only 15% N-O that we did when age 20. It can reverse what is going on in the medical profession. Some professionals and athletes say, if they took only one supplement, it would be this one. N-O helps support healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, circulation, helps open blood vessels, oxidize blood, heal wounds, divide cells, build muscle, release hormones and regulate blood pressure. For building muscle, a dose should be taken 30-60 min before and right after a workout. For GH stimulation, to burn fat, increase muscle growth and improve cell repair, take a dose before bedtime. Take dose in morning for energy increase. A 6g (6000mg) dose during day activates the N-O production inside your body. Do not take it with juice, or within half an hour before/ after a meal. L-Arginine should be taken continuously for 2-3 months. The recommended range is between 2-30 grams / day, starting out low & slow. A dose of 5-6 grams can then be taken 2-3 times / day. After you take it for 2-3 months, rest for 2 months before resuming it again for the next 2-3 months cycle. If you overdose, there are side-effects like diarrhea, nausea or weakness.

Taurine supplementation protects against pathologies associated with mitochondrial defects, such as aging, mitochondrial diseases, metabolic syndrome, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurological disorders. For healthy function of your immune system, nervous system, metabolism, and digestion. Important for brain and heart health, muscle function, bile salt formation and antioxidant defenses. It also helps rebuild damaged collagen fibers and can help ease anxiety. Plays an important role in longevity and healthy aging. In mice, the median lifespan increased by 10% to 12% and life expectancy was raised by 18% to 25%. Taurine improved strength, coordination and endurance, bone mass and bone quality, glucose homeostasis and glucose tolerance, age-related inflammation, immune function, gut health, memory, mitochondrial function and the function of all organs. The amino acid taurine is found in animal foods such as seafood, grass-fed red meat, dairy products, pastured eggs, and poultry.

Comprehensive glossary of Supplements.

go to top******** AGING ISSUES ********

Aging & Brain Health: how-aging-affects-mitochondria-in-brain-cells-mercola.pdf: Your brain, being the most energy-dependent organ, is particularly susceptible to impaired energy production due to faulty mitochondria, and researchers now suggest this is what makes the human brain susceptible to age-related diseases in the first place. Free radicals formed at the level of the mitochondria are typically extremely harmful, which is why you need to minimize them. Effective strategies include cyclical ketosis, calorie restriction (fasting), meal timing, exercise and EMF avoidance. Also see report about how cortisone levels plays a major part in this balance.

Alzheimers: Is It Contagious ~ Can You "Catch" It? Analysis by Tessa Lena | May 20, 2023

Alzheimer’s Disease: How to Help Prevent and Treat it: Neurologist Reverses Alzheimer's in 9 Out of 10 Patients. Who says there's nothing you can do to prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease? Dr. Bredesen has proven otherwise with his groundbreaking research and protocol. Want to know your risk without getting a PET scan? Find out here, along with the basics of Dr. Bredesen's life-changing protocol. Valuable adjuncts that can help improve mitochondrial energy production include methylene blue, niacinamide, NAC and glycine (personal note: enter, chlorine dioxide...) Video (01:15:05): In 2014, Dr. Dale Bredesen published a paper demonstrating healthy lifestyle choices could reverse Alzheimer’s in 9 out of 10 patients. His team is now launching a new randomized, controlled trial at six sites. Biological aging, brain aging and epigenetics will be included in this trial, using newer blood tests that weren’t available even a few years ago. The glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) test can be a valuable tool. This test basically looks at brain changes associated with astrocytosis. Astrocytes respond when there’s a problem in the brain, so it can give you a heads-up that something is afoot up to 10 years before symptoms set in. Supporting energy production and reducing inflammation in the brain are the two most important factors to prevent and treat Alzheimer’s. The entire family of herpes viruses is associated with changes in the brain and neurons. Left untreated, chronic infections put your innate immune system into overdrive. Alzheimer’s is an innate immune system mismatch with the adaptive system. You're not clearing the pathogen, so you've got a continued onslaught of cytokines causing damage in your brain.

Brush Away Alzheimers? The Surprising Oral Connection... Neglect your teeth and bacteria could access your brain from an infected oral cavity, spreading through cranial nerves, spreading slowly over many years (neuron by neuron) until Alzheimer's sets in. What these 13 studies uncovered will make your jaw drop.

Cataracts: Your eyes are significantly affected by blood sugar. Chronically high blood sugar from poor nutrition and lack of exercise can trigger long-term damage to your body and make you more prone to eye diseases, including cataracts, glaucoma and blindness. Can You Reverse Cataracts Without Surgery? The most common treatment for cataracts is surgery, but it does carry risks, including this unwanted side effect (dry eyes) in 42% of cases. Know what foods may be making your vision worse, and the natural alternatives to prevent and treat cataracts, including this delicious anti-cataract shake: The #1 Remedy for Cataracts (10:42)


● Heart Health. Outspoken Cardiologist Sets the Record Straight: Even doctors don't realize this, or they wouldn't dole out the advice that they do. Here are the 4 biggest factors that can help gauge your heart disease risk, plus the one lab value you want to pay special attention to as it's a hidden factor found to be present in the majority of men and postmenopausal women. This article is a reprint. It was originally published June 5, 2016. Saturated Fats (49:43) Dr. Aseem Malhotra video

High Blood Pressure: Quick Technique Lowers Blood Pressure in Minutes. In a study, participants breathe in vigorously 30 times, five days a week, a five-minute workout called Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training (IMST). It has been shown to lower blood pressure as much as aerobic exercise and more than some medications. It also boosts heart health and enhances cognitive function and fitness.

How to Best Regulate Your Blood Pressure whether too high or too low...

Iron Toxicity. Top 4 Reasons to Check Your Iron Level, Not Your Cholesterol. Most of Us Need to Donate Blood. Make sure you don't have high iron levels. Most men and postmenopausal women have high iron, largely thanks to so many processed foods being "fortified" with dangerous forms of iron like iron filings, and the fact that your body has no pathway eliminate iron other than blood loss. Stored iron is incredibly damaging to all of your tissues as it promotes oxidative stress that can damage your mitochondrial DNA, cell membranes and electron transport proteins. If left untreated, it can damage your organs and contribute to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases and many other disorders. It's also one of the most common causes of fatigue because of how it impairs your mitochondrial production of energy. Iron has a terminal destination in the mitochondria from where it must be recycled. However, for that to occur, you must have enough copper, and most people don't. As a result, the iron gets "stuck" and cannot be recycled. So, a low ferritin level is not necessarily a sign that you need iron. You more than likely already have too much stored in your tissues that are simply unavailable due to low availability of copper, which is typically the result of retinol deficiency. The average person accumulates about 1 milligram of iron a day, and if it's not being recycled due to a copper deficiency, you end up in a vicious cycle. You may be told you low iron and need iron supplementation, but the problem is really a copper deficiency. So, you keep loading in iron, and your health suffers as a result. The serum ferritin test measures stored iron that has seeped out into your blood, but it doesn't indicate tissue iron stores. I strongly recommend all adults to get this test done on an annual basis. Ideally, your serum ferritin should be between 20 and 40 ng/mL. If your ferritin level is above 80 ng/mL, the solution is to donate your blood. If it's over 200 ng/mL, a more aggressive phlebotomy schedule is highly recommended. If donating a full pint (half a liter, 500 ml or about 16 ounces) of blood three to four times a year is problematic, you can remove blood in smaller amounts once a month as so: Men, 150 ml, postmenopausal women 100ml, premenopausal women 50 ml. If you have congestive heart failure or severe COPD, you should discuss this with your doctor, but otherwise this is a fairly appropriate recommendation for most. I (Dr. Mercola) personally remove 60 cc or 2 ounces of blood once a week, which is about 7 pints per year. This is a large amount but because it is done slowly it is far better tolerated.

STATINS & Heart Health: How Statins, Pesticides and Wireless Radiation Affect You (01:10:23) Interview with Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Statin medications used to lower your cholesterol could harm your brain health, even leading to dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. Research suggests having lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is linked to a higher risk of dementia. Even if your doctor advises it, odds are more than 100 to 1 that you don't need statins. Statins can also turn your muscles to mush and shut down your DNA repair forces. Don't be duped just because it's popular or your doctor peddles it. The price of compliance is too steep. Exposure to glyphosate and electromagnetic fields from wireless technologies also harm your health, especially your heart. Seneff touches on both of these issues in this interview, noting that each also has a tendency to worsen the effects of the other. “I think glyphosate messes up your natural electrical system, which makes you much more susceptible to EMFs,” she says.

STROKE stroke-prevention-1st-aid-recovery-mercola.pdf?

STROKE treatment w/ DMSODMSO—What-Is-It?” 4 pg pdf article by Dr James R. Walker, with directions how to alleviate a stroke. “So, within 12 minutes and at a cost of less than ONE DOLLAR, I had cured my stroke at home with my own non-toxic natural formula from God's own pharmacy, which had no side effects, will safely mix with any other ingredients, and is suitable for anyone. You can buy DMSO at your local farm feed store or tack shop for around $6.50 a pint (16 ounces). Be sure that it is 99.7--99.9% pure. At your health food store it will cost around $25 a pint. At your pharmacy it will cost around $30. You can buy medical grade DMSO for about $60 per pint, but that is not necessary. It is overkill. DMSO has not been found unsafe for humans. Any side effects are merely minor irritations. If it is rubbed on the skin, it may cause a slight stinging sensation. It imparts a smell to your body which some people find unpleasant, but will last for only about 3 days. This can be reduced by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to your mixture.”


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�� Life Habits �� Fitness �� Supplements �� Aging Issues ��

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